She's Mine And I'm Hers

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When they parted their foreheads found each other and touched.

Jon's hands moulded to her cheeks and he gazed into those blue eyes he fell in love with.

"I love you," he whispered to her,  but AJ heard

"I love you too," she replied, beginning to lean in again when a beam appeared and there was her mom and dad

"Get away from my daughter!" Nicole yelled lifting her hands as Jon flew backwards.

Avery gasped

"Jon!" She called and ran to where he landed

Her mom moved closer and AJ stood in front of Avery and a struggling Jon

Nicole paused when she saw this

"Allen," she began

AJ rolled his eyes

"You won't touch either of them while I'm here," he said

Her mom growled and raised her hand as AJ began levitating

"Mom stop!" Avery yelled grabbing her mom's hand

"Mom, Jon saved me, he's different, please, please don't hurt AJ," Avery pleaded

Her mom's eyes softened as she viewed the tears in her daughter's eyes

"Baby?" She questioned

Avery's chest heaved as her sobs racked her body

Nikki wrapped her arms around her daughter

"Mrs. Cena," Jon said getting up and dusting his suit pants

Nikki looked up at him

"I love your daughter, more than I've ever loved anyone in my life and I'd do anything for her. I would take a bullet for this beautiful woman, and I don't care if you don't want us together, because I don't think I'd be able to live without her," Jon said staring straight at Avery as he spoke

"It doesn't matter, I love her, she loves me, she sees the person I am underneath, she knows my past, she accepts me for the broken man that I am, and I accept her perfection as well as her flaws, so Mr and Mrs. Cena, I'm sorry but she's mine and I'm hers." Jon said plucking Avery from Nicole's arms and into his arms, bridal style.

He pecked her lips and smiled at her

"I love you," he mouthed

She grinned and cuddled into his chest

She didn't need to say anything, he knew she loved him.

One thought ran through his mind as he looked down and saw her blue eyes, filled with love and adoration peered up at him.

That thought was:

She's mine and I'm hers.

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