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Avery couldn't help her nervousness. She was scared out of her wits, very soon, she would be blown to smithereens.

She hadn't heard from AJ or Jon since they promised to find her, now she was desperate for anyone to rescue her.



The night was cold and still, heavy rain drops pounded upon the roof of the building Avery was in.

Her feet ached, her hands ached her, her head ached her but most of all her heart ached her.

All she had was the still beating of her heart to keep her going. She quietly mumbled to herself saying things are gonna be alright.

Little did she know her prayers were heard.

Batman and Joker stood atop the building's roof, looking at each other and nodding in a temporary truce.

Batman threw a batarang on the floor and a small beeping noise came from the object. The beeping intensified and BOOM there was a large gaping hole right there (No puns intended if you get what I mean😅😣)

Joker jumped through first and Batman after. Riddler was in for a great treat.

Thank the Lord that that was the right place to blow up. Joker faced Avery and she thought she saw his eyes soften a little and his body relaxed though that was his first mistake.

A cane connected with Joker's shoulder and he screamed out in pain, a kick to the face was followed after and his body slammed right into the wall.

Batman had his own problems as he battled with Avery's dark assailants. He dealt with them surprisingly well enough.

One of them had successfully back flipped kicked AJ in the chest and the second figure an unpleasant right hook.

Avery watched in a mixture feelings of relief, shock and horror came pouring down on her everything was happening to fast.

Her boyfriend well ex-boyfriend was somewhat losing but still trying, her brother was trying his best but all she could give was hollers of encouragement. She felt useless.

"Give that guy a taste of his medicine AJ!" She shouted

"Kick his ass literally J" she screamed

That seemed to help.

AJ got back up and delivered three quick jabs to the pressure points of the shadowy person.

The person knees buckled and they were about to fall when he grabbed it's left wrist and spun it into its partner rendering them both unconscious.

Joker lashed out by bringing out his hammer from God knows where and blocked Riddler's attacks with his cane, Riddler swung his cane in a wide arch Joker fell to the floor and let his left leg shoot up kicking the cane out of Riddler's hand also backward rolling with the hammer still in hand.

Joker rushed up to Riddler who was stunned and delivered a square kick to Riddler's chest and sent him flying to the wall which made a hole.

By this time AJ got Avery and was out.

Joker smiled to himself, Avery's body felt limp in AJ's arms as she lay her body on the floor and her head in his lap at a good distance away from the building which Riddler had trapped her in.

She froze solid, onlooking only to hear the earth rumbling and a huge explosion of green and purple fire exploded from the building sending a wave of heat through the atmosphere.

Avery, shocked another time for today, looked in complete mortification. She then caught herself

"JON!" She sobbed uncontrollably letting her body fall into AJ's

It should have been her!

And while she was feeling her heart and soul shatter, AJ muttered 'Jesus Christ'

Through blurry tears, she made out a smirking Joker strutting from the scene as another explosion took place.

Her tears stopped flowing and she looked on in awe.

"Jon," she called

No matter how much she wanted to she could not move

Jon raced towards her as AJ backed up

Jon grabbed Avery's face, examining her for marks.

But she managed to take his face in her hands and crash their lips together.

AJ folded his arms as he looked on smiling.

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