The Black family

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The car pulled up on the driveway of the Black family house. It was a two-storey house, with a beautiful yard. Mrs. Black looked out of the kitchen window.

"Jacob the kids are home." She told her husband who was watching a basketball game on TV. He opened the door and looked outside.

Sophia locked the car and started walking towards the house. Ethan parked his motorbike and ran to her.

"Hey little sis." He greeted her. Sophia smiled. Ethan was one of rare people who could make her smile.

"Hello big bro." She kissed his cheek.

"How was your day?" She continued.

"Good. Yours?" He answered.

"Despicable. Like usual." She murmured back making him chuckle.

"Hey kids." Mr. Black hugged them as they entered the house.

"How was the first day of school?" Sarah Black asked her kids. She was finishing lunch, Mac and cheese. Ethan's favorite. He smiled at the sight of his favorite dish.

"I will take that smile as a amazing." She laughed.

"Where did dad go?" Ethan said digging in his plate.

"He's at the shop. After you eat go and help him." Their mom told them.

"Yeah, okay." Sophia trailed off.

Jacob worked a lot. He had many  loyal customers. Sometimes, Ethan and Sophia went to the shop to help with fixing cars, motorcycles and bikes. Her brother loved that. Sophia was more of a test driver, after her father fixes someone's car, she drives it to check if it's okay.

Sophia finished her plate and left it in the sink. She slowly climbed the steps and entered her room.

Her room had a king-sized bed with dark purple sheets. That was her favorite colour. She also had purple lamp, purple picture frame, purple this and purple that. Her whole room was, in fact, 50 shades of purple and a lot of black.

Sophia put her phone on the night stand. She walked toward her big mirror. She thought of Scarlett. What does her friend have, and she doesn't?

What is wrong with me? She murmured. Every boy wanted Scarlett. Sophia remembered how James looked at Scarlett that morning. Sophia needed someone to look at her like that. There's no boy who wanted her. Ouch. That hurt. But don't tell. She didn't want anyone to know she was in pain. A tear slid down her face. 

Was she in Scarlett's shadow? She had no idea what to do. She had to change. It would be easier to just, leave. Sophia laid on her bed. Eventually, she drifted to slumber. 

Authors note: Okay drama for end... Please comment your opinion!!!


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