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"It feels like leaving all over again." The pair of black eyes teared up.

The boy could make a mile long list of reasons to why should they come back to New York. W, Elite, their friends, parties... His list was endless.

His hands wrapped around the girl's body hugging her. His hugs were warm and full of love. 

He tried to understand her. But he could not.

It is New York we are talking about. The place everyone wanted to visit. But most people never got the chance. Yet Sophia did not want to come back to Big Apple.

"But I will get over it." Sophia said.

They pulled apart and Sophia smiled.

"I will go get ready..." She trailed off leaving to her old room.


"Mark is coming back. It is a big deal." Ginger nodded her head in agreement although she really did not care. But Kira did. And G knew better than to mess with her. Normally, she would tell Kira to stop being a drama queen. But she had a crappy day.

"Look. Girls. It's only Mark. Okay? Stop freaking out. Anyway, Kira, do you want to plan him a party?" Sabrina tried to calm both girls and took a sip of her smoothie.

"Yeah. You are talking like a girl in love. You making fantasies about Mark?" Chris said approaching.

"Ah, Rude. Why are you here anyway?" Kira hissed. They were broken up. She was in the I hate him faze.

"So? A party?" Chris teased.

"Yes. Now excuse me. I have some planing to do." She said leaving.


"You were right. I missed this place." Sophia said as they entered the Elite hotel.

"Why don't you meet me at the apartment, huh?" He said smirking and walking to the reception once she nodded.

She entered the apartment and dropped her bag on the floor. She messed her hair up. Then she took her heels off. Then her outfit. 

She hopped in the shower and  relaxed. She pulled out a dress from her walk in closet. It was white and it had a picture of Empire State Building printed on it.

She put her white heels on and took her phone. She texted Sabrina.

"We are back in town. Meet me in the penthouse. Bring Kira and G. xoxo" 

"On my way." She read the text.

Authors note:

Next chapter is about Kira's party. Hope you like it.


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