New York

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"To the Elite hotel, please." Sophia told the taxi driver. Her plane has just landed on JFK Airport in New York.

 She was so excited. Sophia couldn't believe that this was happening. Her in The Big Apple? If you told her this a month ago, she probably wouldn't believe you. 

They entered the city. There were so many people. They were probably rushing to work. She would be doing the same in a few days.

 They rode past Central park and Sophia thought it was beautiful from just one look. She could see children running around. Then after some time she spotted The Empire State Building.

"The view must be amazing." She said admiring the buildings height.

"Yeah, you should visit." The driver said.

"I definitely will." She murmured. 

She felt a car stop. She looked through the window spotting the Elite Hotel. 

"Thank you." She said giving the driver money after he got her bags out.

With all her bags in hands, she walked towards the hotel. The bags were so heavy that Sophia thought the hotel was miles away. Suddenly she spotted two really cute guys walking in the hotel. One of them, who looks probably like every girls high school dream, spotted Sophia and walk over.

"Hey you need help with that?" He smiled revealing his perfect white teeth that blinded Sophia for a moment.

"Yeah thanks." Sophia smiled. Yes smiled. What happened to Sophia? Anyway, the boy took the bags from her hands and walked inside of the hotel. She followed. Wow. What a place. 

So classy, Sophia thought. She noticed that one one of the employees took her bags.

"Hey I should go..." He started and she figured he wanted to know her name.

"Sophia Black. Thanks again..." She said wanting to know his name.

"Christian Bale. Friends call me Chris." He answered and turned around to face his friend from earlier who was approaching.

"Christian we are not here to give charity. Let's go." He said and dragged Chris away from Sophia. She looked at the boy at shock.

"Miss, how can I help you?" An employee asked. He smiled at her.

"My name is Sophia Black..." She started but the man cut her off.

"Yes, miss Black we've received a call from W. I will show you to your apartment." He said entering the elevator with her bags.

She followed. They entered the apartment. Sophia thought  it was really big and it looked expensive.

"Have a nice day miss." The employee said leaving.

Sophia walked around the apartment checking it out. Yep, she was right, it was really expensive. When she walked in the master bedroom she was surprised of it's beauty. Who ever decorated this place had  a hell of a taste. She sat on the bed. She felt like a princess in this luxury. W must of spent a lot of money on this.      

Speaking of W, she was going to start working there in a week.

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