Fashion Week Starts Now

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Authors note:

Oh my God! 50 reads?! 15 votes in 20 hours. I know it's not many, but for me it means so much. I love you guys!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

                                                                                   xoxo Milica

Twenty minutes till it starts. The tension is building up both behind and in front the runway. If you watched the show, you would be concerned whether you would look good on the pictures.

If you were a model, like Ginger, you would worry not to fall of the stage or break your heel. But Ginger was not worried. She is a fucking pro. And everyone knew that.

She was sitting behind the stage with Avery, Marc Jacobs' assistant. Avery came to tell her that she goes last on stage, but Ginger asked her to stay and sit with her.


Sophia was nervous. Like very nervous. Not I did not study for this test nervous, but I will look like a freak nervous.

"Relax. You look amazing. Jumpsuit is fine, choker is trending and I can't even see the shoes. So if anything is wrong with them, nobody could notice." Mark said noticing that she was falling apart.

Mark and Sophia were in Mark's limo that was trapped in long line that was waiting to get to the Mark Jacobs' show that was opening the Fashion Week.

"We're going to be late..." She trailed off.

"Knock it off. Remember what I told you about wrinkles." He said and pulled his phone out of his shirt pocket.

"Ginger. We are a bit trapped... I told her that too... Yeah... Break a heel... 20 minutes. Got it." He spoke trough the phone. Was he seriously stopping the show for her? That was cute.

"We have 20 minutes." He said to the driver and the man nodded. Sophia smiled.

 20 minutes.


Sabrina and Kira were already there. The two were posing in front of the paparazzi. 

Someone else was there too. Alone this time. Guess who?


They look happy, he thought.

Yes, happy. Without him. 

The lonely boy was standing in front of his limo alone. The spotlight or this time, a flash was on Kira who was single and happy. He never saw her this happy. She was never this happy with him.

The two girls walked inside, and he walked towards the door. Paparazzi took a few pictures of him then he slowly walked inside.


Sophia giggled once she sat on her seat in the first row. Mark was next to her. Kira and Sabrina took the seats next to them. Ginger must've arranged that. It would suck if she couldn't see anything. 


Outfits were amazing. When Ginger came out on the runway she smiled at the group. Sabrina waved to her half- sister in return. She looked stunning and she closed the show perfectly. 

She was born for this job, Sophia thought once she saw Ginger. 

After G finished her walk, Marc Jacobs walked to his models. He wrapped one arm around Ginger's waist and smiled widely to the audience. 

Kira sat there like a statue trough the whole show. Sophia wondered why. Kira said that they could not have fun because Jennifer could see them and judge their childish ways.

To be honest, Sophia did not care. Jennifer could influence her life in W, not out of it.


Sophia walked to the bar and took a martini. After parties suck when you lose your boyfriend in the crowd. 

"You are alone. Why?"

Christian Bale. Did he just read her mind?

"I do not need to be escorted to the bar." She lied taking a sip of her drink. She had no idea where was everyone.

"Well you should. You are 18." He said taking a martini from her hand. She sight when she saw his lips met her glass.

" And you are 19." She said yanking the glass from his hand.

"But I am Elite." He said smirking. "I can do whatever I want."

"So do I. You know why? I am sharing a bed with Elite." She said referring to Mark.

The boy went silent. She smiled bitchily and disappeared into the crowd.

Where are you Mark Dallas?

 She felt her phone buzz and she took it out of her clutch. 

"Meet me  at the bar. Jennifer"

What now?! This was a party, not a boss' office. She rolled her eyes at the text and walked to the bar. Jennifer was already waiting.

"Hey" Sophia started, "What's up?" She sat on the chair next to Jennifer.

"I got you a job at Victoria's Secret."

No fucking way.

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