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" I was just wondering if you want to go on a tour of New York. You do not have to be rude. I am nice. Isn't that what you wanted?" Mark said. Sophia could tell that he was trying hard to be her friend. 

But she did not want him to burst into her apartment in 8 o'clock in the morning. And now, he was just staring at her while she was in her rumpled pijamas.

 Hey, don't judge. Sophia was a heavy sleeper.

"Mark, I'm in PJ's. As much as I like that you are not a ass, I can't. W, remember? The reason I came here in first place?" She said trying to be polite, and her failure was epic.

"Now excuse me, I have places to be." She said turning around going inside of her bathroom, leaving the confused boy behind.

This never happened to him. Every girl would die to be in a same room as him, let alone go for a walk with him. Every girl would secretly hope that the walk would end in his luxury suite. If you know what I mean.

 Sophia? Nothing. It drove him crazy.

As much she did not want anything to do with him, he wanted it so bad. Not because he loved her. He was acting like a child, when someone tells them "You can't have that." children want that even more. Just to drive their parents crazy.

 He never felt like this. Everything he ever wanted hoped in his lap. The only thing he needed to do was to ask for it. That is the perks of being rich.

"Can I at least drive you to W? You know, with my limo." Sophia smiled wondering why the hell was he trying so hard. It made him look lame. She combed her dark wavy hair.

"You know, If you like the girl who wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth, you shouldn't mention you money. It makes her feel like one of your accesories." 

She got out of the bathroom fully dressed and grabbed her bag. She grabbed her black heels from the closet and put them on. 

She was waiting for his response. But Mark kept silent. 

Shock was plastered all over his face.

How did she do that?! He thought, she read me like an open book, he thought of the fact he liked her.  

"Shocked? I read people. That one of my many, many talents." She said getting closer. He exailed a breath he didn't notice he was holding in.

"Shall we?" She said getting out of the apartment. He followed.

Friends? Why not?

 What she didn't know was that Mark wanted to be more so bad. But Sophia had someone else on her mind.

Authors note:

So Chase Crawford as Chris! I can't think of anyone who could play Mark tho... Any ideas? Anyway, I will be posting chapters daily. Comment please... Stay tuned!


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