Death takes the people who mean the most

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"Why would you do that?" Mark whispered. 

He was sitting on the bed Sophia was lying in. He was holding an half empty glass of whiskey in his hand.

Sophia lied there in silence. She felt herself get lost in those blue eyes she fell for. Thee beautiful eyes that are the cause of all the mess that has happened.

"Sophia. You do realize that you tried to kill yourself, right?" He said.

"Be thankful that I convinced the doctors you shouldn't go to Ostroff center."

"Mark. I never felt like this toward someone before. I love you. You are the reason I felt unwanted. And now you want me to thank you that you are feeling guilty?" She opened her mouth to say more but she stopped once she saw Chris entering the room.

"Hey. I heard what happened. You okay?" He said smiling.

As Mark heard that, he jumped off the bed and walked out of he room.

"It is all my fault. Why was it so hard to tell the truth?" He thought to himself.

His girlfriend tried starved herself to death, and now she is only talking to his best friend who acted like a dick towards her, and Mark was escaping the hospital with whiskey in his hands. What a mess. 

All because of him.

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?" Ginger, the blonde bombshell, stopped him from running away.

He widened his eyes.

"Come on Mark. We grew up together. Hell, we dated. I know you better than anyone. You seriously thought that I wouldn't figure it out." She said  placing her hand on her hip.

"G, I can't make her happy. She deserves better." He said sitting on a hospital floor.

"You choose to sacrifice for Chris now? Look, Dallas, the girl is happy. And plus being selfish is part of your charm. Now stop being a whimp. Go there and take your girl. She almost died because she thought you did not love her. She is happy with you, you idiot."She said and walk away.

He walked towards the room door. He noticed Kira, Sabrina and Chris sitting in front of her room.

They all had pain written all over their faces.

He gave them a confused look.

"Mark..." Sabrina started standing up.

"We tried to find out what was going on." Chris continued.

"The doctors throwed us out. It looked like an emergency." Kira finished and he sat on the floor.

"Is she..." He couldn't finish the line. 

"I hope not." Kira murmured.

"We can just pray."

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