One step closer

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Sophia went to the seminar yesterday. Today was the day of the test. 

She has just finished it, and she was waiting with the rest of the girls for judges to decide which one of the girls did the best.

Sophia was sitting and sipping her Coke. She was scared. They have been waiting for an hour. How much longer?! There were like 10 girls who applied.

"Excuse me, a little attention please." An older woman, one of the judges said. Suddenly, the room went quiet.

"We've made  our decision. Only one girl will be getting an intership W." The woman continued.

Just say it already, Sophia thought.

"That girl is..." The woman started. Oh God. Sophia thought that she was going to die.

"Sophia Black." The woman finished. As she heard that, Sophia felt revealed. She was jumping inside. She smiled widely.

"I got it." She said to herself.

"Congratulations, miss Black. We are looking forward reading your articles." The judges said.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Here's your plane ticket. You are leaving tomorrow. W brought you a suite in the Manhattan's best hotel. I kind of envy you." One of them said and walked her toward the door. Other girls have already left. She thanked them one last time before she left the building.

"I got it! I got it!" Sophia screamed as she entered the house. Her parents stood there looking at her like she was crazy.

"Guys I am going to New York!!!" She told them smiling.

"You got it?!" Her mother said hugging her.

"I have to call Scarlett" Sophia said and entered her room. But her friend beat her to it. Her phone rang and she saw Scarlett image pop up on the screen.

"I have great news!" Both teenagers said in the same time.

"You first." Sophia said laughing.

"I am going on a date with Alexander! Okay now you go." Scarlett said exited to hear her friends news.

"I am going to New York!" Sophia said. Scarlett's face showed pain on the other side of the phone.

"What?! How is that good news, Sophia?" Scarlett yelled. She was feeling sad because she wouldn't see her bestie.

"It's W. I am going to make my dreams come true." As Sophia said that Scarlett's heart melted.

"I am so happy for you, Sophia. Call me every day, promise?" Scarlett said and Sophia smiled.

"Promise." She told her best friend.

Even though everyone around her seemed sad, Sophia knew that she was one step closer to making her dream- reality. 

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