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"Joslyn, you want to say it?" Erin asked her coworker.

"Yeah. Here it goes."

"This is the Clevver News new show "NYC Elite"!!!" Joslyn said waving her hands in the air.

"You know them, love them, and we bring you the news from their lives." Erin continued and Sophia squealed. 

She was so excited. Her best friend on Clevver? That sounded like, perfect. 

As he heard her high-pitched scream, several tragic scenarios ran trough his mind.

 Mark ran into the room Sophia was in.

"What is it? No do not tell me. Is JB in town? Because that would be a total disaster." He said leaning on the door frame.

"No, no, no. Look, babe. You are on Clevver." She said tossing him her phone.

He grabbed it and took a long look at the video.

"Apparently, we have got a bonus." He told her and she stumbled towards him.

"What?!" She said.

He replayed last few moments on the video and let her to listen to it. Once she heard her name slip from Erin's lips naming her NYC Elite her heart started pounding like one of Ethan's drums.

But she smiled. 

She did it. She won. She was one of them. Sophia was Elite.

Who said this year was easy?!

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