The talk

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"Sophia I thought that you were interested in fashion, not journalism?" Sophia's father said rereading the flyer Sophia brought home.

"Dad, you don't understand. If I start working for W, I will have access to elite parties. There I'll meet fashion designers, photographers... Hopefully, they will recognize my talent and BOOM! My dream is becoming a reality." She explained for the fifth time. If the situation was not so important, she would start yelling and rolling her black eyes at her parents. But she had to stay calm. This is W we're talking about.

"But that is too far from home." Her mother said with pain in her eyes.

"And you did not even finish high school." Ethan added. Sophia glared at him.

"You. Are not. Helping. Me." She said her voice full of rage.

"Sweetie, your brother is right. What about collage? I thought that was what you wanted." Her mother said. Sophia put her hand on her hip.

Oh that was it. Run and hide, kids. Sophia is gonna explode.

"No mom, you wanted that for me! You know what?! I am gonna do this, just because you guys don't want  me to!" She said pointing her finger at her parents.

"Wait Sophia! Come back this instant!" Jacob yelled as Sophia left the room.

She shut the door of her room behind her. She moved the sheets from her bed revealing her sketch book. She sat on the bed and took the pencil drawing a new creation. It was a cocktail dress with lots of cut-outs. When she decided it was good enough, she fixed the sheets hiding the book. She ran out of the room passing by her parents who were in shock.     

Sophia sat in the car and drove to the destination of the seminar. She entered the building, in hope to apply. She spotted a woman sitting at the counter.

"Hello. My name is Sophia Black and I would like to apply for the upcoming seminar." She hissed. Yes hissed. She tried to be polite, but she was annoyed.

"Sure. What's your name?" The woman said and Sophia wondered if she even introduced herself.

"Um... Sophia Black." She murmured. The lady wrote her name down.

"The seminar is starting tomorrow at 5 pm. I'll see you then?" The lady told her.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Sophia said and left the building.

She drove home. Sophia looked at the house through the car window. Why would she come home and fight with her parents when she can crash at James' place? She dialed the number on her phone. 

"Hey." Ethan answered.

 "Go to my room. Move the sheets." Sophia instructed.

"Okay." He said making her know that he obeyed.

"Take the book and my PJ's and bring them to James' house." She said and ended the call.

Then she texted James that she was coming and started the car. When she arrived, James waited with set of movies picked out.

"Drama at home?"He said and she nodded.

"I know the cure. Come on, tell me all about it." He said hugging her.

Authors note: 

That is the end... Please comment what you think.


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