1: Damn Girl

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Madilyn's POV

To: Mom- I just landed.

After sending the text to my mom, I sigh and look up from my phone. She isn't even at the airport yet, meaning I would have to wait. As I stand there, my mind races with a million thoughts all at once.

I can't believe I am really about to move in with my mom and all of my siblings. The three of them have a different dad than I, and I was stuck growing up with only my father, the man my mother apparently cheated on their dad with.

So basically, I'm meeting my two half-brothers and half-sister for the first time ever. I had no idea what it was like to live with other siblings in the house, but part of me was excited to find out.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I looked down at it with a blank stare.

From: Mom- We just arrived, be there in a few minutes hun!!

We? I wonder who else is here. I waited for a total of three minutes before I saw a woman waving at me with a huge grin. Must be my mom... I put on a smile, despite how nervous I was, and made my way towards her and the other people.

"Madilyn!" She smiled so wide I felt like her face would break. My mother threw her arms around my neck and I stumbled back a little.

"Mom..." I whispered back, my nerves slowly fading away. I will admit that it's nice to know I'm going to have a woman influence on my life now; It was hard living with a man for my whole life. I had to figure the period and woman-hood thing out by myself or through my teachers at school.

She pulled back and wiped a few escaped tears from her eyes. "Wow, you are so beautiful!"

"Thank you," my forced smile slowly started to transform into a real one as the woman known as my mother introduced me to her kids, also known as my siblings.

"This is Hayes, and this is Sky. Say hi to your sister Sky."

The little girl looked up at me; she looked confused and also a little bit amazed. She was adorable; light hair and dark eyes. "Hi."

"Hello," I smiled at her, then looked at the boy. "You're Hayes?"

"Yeah," he replied, cracking a smile. "Hey."

"Nash is at home with his friends," my mom told me and I nodded. "Well, let's go!"

Hayes carries my duffel bag for me and I drag my suitcase behind me as we head to the car.

After loading my luggage into the drunk of the car, my mom tells me I can take the passenger seat. She even opens the door for me. I feel like she doesn't know how to act, and she's trying her hardest to make me happy. I wanted to tell her I was happy as long as I was away from my father.

I stare out the window for the majority of the ride, taking in my surroundings. It took around twenty minutes before we slowly pulled into the driveway of a beautiful home. Two stories, basketball hoop in the driveway, double garage, everything.

"Hayes, grab Madi's stuff, would you please?" Mom asks my younger brother with a smile. He doesn't argue, getting out of the car and walking around to the trunk.

No one has ever called me Madi before.

I follow my mother up the porch steps, Skylynn close behind, and I take in a sharp breath as she opens the front door.

As I step inside, the first thing I hear is, "Daaaaammmnnnn girl!"

I look over to see three boys sitting on the couch, one sprawled out onto the floor, and one more on the reclining chair. One of them is obviously my brother. I blush when I realize the boy who said it was referring to me. They were all staring at me, and I felt the least bit comfortable.

"Madilyn?" one of the boys ask, and I nod.

"Yeah," I reply, embarrassed.

"I'm Nash," he stands up and walks over to me, holding out his hand, "your brother, I guess."

All I could do was nod as I shook his hand. I felt all of their eyes on me, only making my cheeks heat up even more. Thank God that Mom spoke up just then, practically saving my life. I think she sensed the tension because she said, "Boys! Stop making her feel uncomfortable and introduce yourselves."

The one that said 'damn girl' when I walked in spoke up first. "I'm Cameron." he had brown hair that was slightly messy, but it was attractive. The first thing I noticed about him was his charming smile and his plump, clearly very kissable lips.

Next, the one with a bandanna around his forehead, also with brown hair, spoke up. "I'm Taylor..." he kept staring at me, in fact they all were.

The next one spoke up. He had dirty blonde hair and it was styled up with an ocean blue beanie on. He looked like Justin Bieber to me but that's just my opinion (I'm also obsessed with Justin Bieber). "I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matt."

Then the last one spoke up and said, "I'm Shawn Mendes." I noted that he was adorable, and I could sense innocence behind his voice and his cute smile.

Who am I kidding, they were all cute. I was, to say the least, overwhelmed.

I don't know what to say, so I just smile to them all and decide to follow my mother, who I'm still getting used to, up the stairs. She starts speaking as we enter a plain room with only a bed, dresser, and an empty bookcase in the corner. "So yeah, that was your brother Nash and his best friends. They are over here a lot... Well, they basically live here."

"They seem...." I trail off, looking for a word to describe them but oddly, nothing came to my mind.

"Loud? Overwhelming?" she laughs and I laugh along with her, nodding my head.

"But nice." I add.

Hayes drops off my things before exiting the room and I look at my mom. She offers to help me unpack, but I politely decline and tell her I can do it on my own. "Okay, well I'm so glad you're here. I can't believe I've missed out on your whole life so far... sixteen years of it." She frowns.

"It's okay," I assure her. "I'm here now, so you won't miss any more of it."

Her frown turns into a smile and she pulls me into another warm, motherly embrace. "I'm going to go get dinner done. When it's ready I'll have everyone at the table and we can all catch up, okay?"

"Okay." I smile again and she returns it, exiting my room and gently closing the door shut behind her. I let out a sigh and start unpacking, putting clothes into the perfectly polished white dresser that was in the room.

After five minutes of unpacking, there was a knock on the door. "Um, come in." I called to it awkwardly. I'm such an awkward person. It's sad, really.

The door opened and Nash stood there. "Hi Madilyn."

"Hi." I respond.

"I feel like I should introduce myself again because last time it was kind of weird and my friends ruined it." he smiles and steps into the room.

I laughed. "Yeah, they seem nice though."

"Do you need help with anything?" Nash asked me and I almost say yes just so we can talk and get to know each other more, but Mom said that we can do that at dinner, so I just shake my head. He opens his mouth to say something again but suddenly there was someone else in the room. I think it was the Tyler kid.

"Taylor, what are you doing?" Nash asks him, clearly annoyed. Oh, his name is Taylor.. ok. I'm not the best with names.

"I'm Taylor," the boys steps in front of Nash and holds his hand out to me.

"I know, you told me like five minutes ago." I giggle as I shake his hand.

"Oh yeah... you're beautiful bye." he blurts out before running out of the room. I stood there, confused about what just happened and look over to my brother.


"He's weird like that." He simply shrugs, giving me a smile before walking out of my room.

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