23: Grounded

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idk wtf is going on but my wattpad is being really dumb and it won't let me upload the chapter!! it's making me mad ok so i'm trying to fix it please comment if you can read it because it's MAKING ME SO MAD

The next morning I woke up to Nash shaking me. "Wake up!" he yelled in my face and I swung at him, half awake. I know I hit him in the nose because when I opened my eyes fully, he was holding his nose. "What the hell, that hurt!"

"Sorry." I smiled at him and rolled over to go back to sleep but he ripped my blankets off. "Nash!" I whine and curl my body up for warmth.

"Mom wants to talk to you." he says and walks out of the room. Shit, I'm probably in trouble. I sigh to myself and hop out of bed. I feel like shit, and I probably look like shit too.

I hop into the shower real quick because last night was terrible, and I secretly hoped I could wash away the bad memory. After that I brush my teeth quickly and walk down stairs in some leggings and Cameron's sweatshirt... Yeah... still haven't gave it back to him...

When I get to the bottom of the stairs I walk to the kitchen to see my mom and Sky eating breakfast at the table. It's Saturday so that means my mom doesn't have to work today.

"Hi mom." I say when I sit in the chair next to Skylynn at the table. I start to eat a piece of bacon as my mom begins to talk.

"Goodmorning Madilyn. Want to tell me why you didn't get home until 2 in the morning last night?" She looks at me and I laugh nervously.

"Uh, yeah... um..."

"Were you with Taylor the whole time?" she asks before I could try to come up with some time of lie to save my ass. I couldn't think of one at the moment, so I'll just tell her half the truth.

"No.. I ran into an old friend from a long time ago... and I guess I lost track of time," I tell her quickly. "I'm sorry."

"Oohh, somebody is in trouble!" Sky giggles and I shoot her a dirty look, but in a playful look. She continues to giggle and laugh at me as my mom starts to lecture me.

"Well you can't be coming home at 2 in the morning without contacting me, you had me worried sick darling. I'm sorry but I guess I'll just have to ground you for a week so you learn your lesson." she says what I was afraid of and I sigh.

"You never really told me the rules for living here ya know." I point out, smiling innocently at her.

She rolls her eyes, "You shouldn't have to be told not to come home so late, Madilyn."

"Yeah, I know..."

"But I guess you have a point, so you're only grounded until Wednesday." She tells me and I nod, standing up from my seat. I look down at Skylynn.

"I guess I'll be hanging out with you for the next four days." I tell my little sister and she smiles wide.


I laugh and turn to walk out of the kitchen but I run straight into Cameron, who obviously just woke up. His hair stuck up in all different directions and he didn't have a shirt on, just sweatpants.

"Oh, um hi." I laugh awkwardly and smile at him.

"Morning," he speaks in a morning voice that had me feeling some type of way.. oh. "Looking good in my sweatshirt, babe." he whispers in my ear before brushing past me to get some breakfast. I stand there for a couple seconds before moving my feet and walking into the living room, plopping onto the couch next to Hayes.

"You got grounded didn't you?" he chuckles and I just roll my eyes. Sometimes I wonder why I've always wanted brothers so much.

I stand up and walk up to my room. I need to call Taylor. I feel so awful for what I did to him, Nash told me a million times how much Taylor liked me and I had to be a little slut and do that to him.

He didn't answer, just like I thought. I probably ruined any chance of a relationship, or even a friendship, I could've had with him. But I don't know if I even wanted that, because... Shawn...

My phone started buzzing and I was hoping it was Taylor, but it wasn't, it was Matthew. I answered anyway, "Hey Matthew."

"Hey Madilyn, what's wrong? You seem upset."

Matthew always knows if something is wrong. "Nothing, I just got grounded so yeah."

"Really? You got grounded?" He asks like he can't believe it.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing... I just called to ask you if you wanted to come to my Fourth of July party next weekend, on the 4th of July..."

I laughed. "Of course I will Matt."

"You wont be grounded on Saturday right?"

"Nope, only until Wednesday."

"Okay good, um.. how was your date?" He asks then in an almost uncomfortable way.

"Not very good, to be honest but whatever." I answer him truthfully, sighing at the end. My door opens and I look up to see Cameron coming in, weird. "Matthew I have to go, I'll text you later."

"Okay, bye Madilyn." he says before hanging up and I look at Cameron.

"What are you doing?" I ask him but he doesn't answer my question.

"You're going to Matt's party, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

Again, he doesn't answer, he just asks me a different question. "Want to be my date and go with me?" he's smiling and I know I can't say no. I don't even want to say no.

"Oh, uh, sure.."


aye aye aye this was just a filler bc when i write about the party lots of stuff is going to go down and it will get interesting ;) ;) ;)

Oh and these were the votes I got for which boy you wanted Madilyn to be with:

Shawn: 12

Matt: 5

Taylor: 5

Cameron: 9

So ya

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