13: Talks with Taylor

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Shawn's POV

I looked at the text from Taylor again.

'Fuck you shawn!' The text said. He texted me that right when I got home from the mall. I almost kissed her. Almost. If Taylor wouldn't have done what he did, I would have kissed her.

I decided to call Taylor because he was my best friend, and he was mad at me. It kind of hurt. I didn't think he would answer but he did almost right away.

"What do you want."

"Why are you so mad at me?" I ask him calmly.

"Are you kidding me Shawn? You knew that I liked her! I told you all the other day in Nash's room, remember?!"

"Its not like you can call dibs on a girl. And I already liked her before you said anything, idiot."

"I liked her since the first day she came here, idiot." he mocks me by using the word idiot just like I did.

"Whatever, Tay. You never like girls for a long time anyway. We all know you would just make out with her a couple times and then find a different girl."

He stays silent for a minute, and I almost think he hung up but I could hear his breathing. Finally, he says, "Whatever Shawn, you win. I'm sorry that I finally found someone that I really like but I can't have her because my best friend is in the way." and he hangs up.

Taylor's POV

After hanging up on Shawn, I look at myself in the mirror and cringe. I have never liked a girl this much, especially over this short of time. Why did Madilyn have to come along? Why was she different from other girls I've met? I obviously like her a lot, because I'm not giving up this time. I took out my phone and sent a text to Nash.

To: Nash- what are you doing?

He replied a couple minutes later saying, 'watching a movie with Madilyn and Sky'

To: Nash- I need to talk to you.

He replied about ten minutes later saying to come over now.

Madilyn's POV

We were watching some Barbie Princess movie with Sky when the front door opened, revealing a kind of sad-looking Taylor. He looked tired and stressed out. I smiled at him from the couch and he replied with a weaker smile. I wonder what's wrong with him?

"Hey," Nash said, standing up. "what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Uh, can we go in your room or something?" Taylor asks him and Nash nods, both of them exiting the living room.

"Taylor is cute," Skylynn says after they leave, "you should be girlfriend and boyfriend with him." 

My eyes widen, where did that come from? "You're right Sky, he is pretty cute." I laugh. Of course Taylor is cute.

"So are you going to go ask him to be your boyfriend?" she seems to be paying no attention to the movie anymore. Whenever I talk to her, she seems so interested in what I'm saying. Mom says that I'm her role model, which just makes me laugh because I'm a terrible role model.

"I can't do that if I don't know he likes me! And what makes you think I like him too?" I raise my eyebrow at her and she just smiles.

"Whenever he comes to our house you stare at him."

"I do not!" I quickly defend and she starts giggling.

"Yes you do!"

"It's not my fault, I always stare at cute boys like Taylo-"

"Hey, Madilyn?" Taylor walks in just then before I finish my sentence, and Skylynn quickly covers her mouth to hide her giggles.

My cheeks are tinted red as I look up at him and say, "Yeah?"

"Will you go on a walk with me?"

I glance at Sky and she starts nodding, telling me to go. I look back up at Taylor. "Sure."

He smiles slightly and I stand up to slip on my Vans. Before I leave, Skylynn grabs my arms and yanks on it, telling me to lean down so she can tell me something. I lean down to her level and she whispers into my ear. "Make sure you tell him he's cute and kiss him on the lips."

I laugh at her and nod my head jokingly. Then I turn back to Taylor, and he grabs my hand. He looks like he's had a lot on his mind lately. The sun is beaming down on us when we walk outside, and I squint into the sunlight. I should have worn some sunglasses. Right then, Taylor takes his sunglasses off with his free hand and attempts to put them on my face. He fails and pokes me in the eye.

"Oh my god," I mutter, bringing my hand up to my eye as it starts watering. No, I'm not crying but it hurts to get poked in the eyeball.

"Oh shit sorry, are you okay?!" Taylor asks worriedly and I giggle through my pain. "I'm so sorry. Fuck I'm an idiot."

"It's okay Tay," I tell him and slowly taking my hand away from my eye, I definitely just ruined my makeup. I squeeze my eye shut until it stops hurting, and I didn't even realize we stopped walking.

"I'm sorry." he says again.

"It's fine..." I say as I slowly open my eye.

"You're crying."

"No I'm not, my eye is just watering."

"Same thing."

"Not really."

"So you're okay?" he asks.

"Yeah." I answer and he takes my hand again, so we could continue walking. Neither of us talk for a while, and I honestly don't know what to say. I wonder if he's thinking about what happened at the mall earlier today. I know that's what I'm thinking about. I think he did it on purpose. "Taylor?"


"Can we talk about what happened at the mall earlier today?" I ask him and nervously chew on my bottom lip. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, and that's when I notice he isn't wearing a bandana like he usually does. How did I not notice that before? Because damn, he looks hot.

"What about it?" he asked me even though he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Nevermind." I don't have the effort to put into this conversation right now.

"No, we can talk about it.." He says quickly. Sighing again, he pulls me to the side so we can sit on the grass. "I don't really know what to say except that I just didn't want Shawn to kiss you."

"Oh, okay." I didn't really know what to say.

"Is that all you're going to say? 'Oh okay'?"

"Um... why didn't you want him to kiss me?" I ask and he doesn't answer, he just stares at me blankly. When he does answer, it wasn't the answer I was expecting.

"Because I wanted to kiss you first." he says right before leaning over and pressing his lips to mine.


oh snap

please comment if you liked this chapter because I wasn't sure of it at first. Currently I'm in the same hotel as all the boys except Shawn and I cried a little

For a quicker update, comment if you have ever got poked in the eye ;)

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