31: Boredom

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wasssuupp thanks for 50K reads ily all who read this <3333


It was Wednesday morning and I was bored, like really bored. I decided to go find Nash or Hayes, whoever I find first, and ask them to do something with me. Maybe I'll even ask Skylynn, I know she'll hangout with me. I think she's outside playing with her neighborhood friends though.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Nash sprawled out on the couch, Cameron lying next to him on the other side in the exact same position. When did Cameron get here? I don't know why I even bother asking myself that anymore; he's always here.

"Hey." Nash says in monotone, staring at the tv still.

"Where is Hayes?" I ask while trying to avoid Cameron's stare. I've kind of been ignoring his calls and texts since the party. What he did kind of made me upset, but I guess it doesn't really matter now because.. well, I have Shawn. We aren't dating, but maybe we'll get there. I really do like him.

"Upstairs in his room, why?"

"I think I'm gonna ask him to go to the beach with me." I say, going to turn around to walk back up the stairs but Nash continues to talk to me.

"Why don't you ask me?" 

I turn back around, "Because you're with Cameron, and... yeah."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cameron speaks up, looking slightly offended by what I just said.

I decide to ignore the both of them and make my way back up the stairs. I knock on Hayes' door, waiting for him to tell his usual 'come in' before opening the door. "What's up little brother, want to go to the beach with me?"


"Come on, please I'm bored!" I whine, jumping on his bed next to him.

"Don't you have friends? No offense." he smiles at the end, proving that he doesn't mean to be rude.

I just snort, "No, not really."

"What about Ariel and Haylee?"

"So I'm guessing you don't want to go to the beach with me?" I frown, trying to steer the subject away from Ariel and Haylee. I guess Ariel didn't really do anything to me, just Haylee. It kind of hurts that she would do that to me, especially when I told her once that I thought I kind of liked Cameron. Of course, I also did tell her that I liked Shawn a little... and Taylor at one point, and even Matthew. Damn.

"What happened with them?" he asks me, talking about Ariel and Haylee. I just groan. "C'mon Mads! You can tell me."

"Yeah but you don't really care, you're my little brother so obviously you're not going to care. So you don't want to go to the beach? Why not?" I pout. I'm so bored, I think I just might go to the beach by myself.

"I just don't feel like it today, sorry." he gives me a small smile, and I just slouch my shoulders and exit his room. I have amazing brothers. Did you notice my sarcasm?

I have one choice left.... Matthew.

I would ask Shawn, but since we are going on a date Friday I don't want to hangout with him before that, because that will seem like a date too. I don't want to ask Taylor because him and I aren't really... I don't know. It's kind of uncomfortable with him right now. And last time I hung out with him alone, I ended up making out with someone else and getting high in the back of a car. I guess that wasn't Taylor's fault though, it was mine.

I found myself calling Matthew and when he picked up, he sounded like he was with a bunch of people. "Hey, Mads."

"Hey Matt, what are you doing?"

"I'm at the beach with my friend Carter." he told me.

"Seriously? I was calling to ask you if you wanted to go to the beach with me..." I laugh a little at the coincidence.

"Oh, really?" he laughs into the phone. I love when Matthew laughs. For some reason he just seems... sad, all the time. So when he laughs, it makes me happy to know he's smiling. It's upsetting to see Matthew sad. "I could come pick you up and you could come here with all of us."

"Who is all over there?" I ask, biting my lip. I hate meeting new people, especially teenagers. Some of them are just so judgmental. 

"Me, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Jacob, Mahogany, some of Mahogany's friends that she brought and I can't remember their names, and a couple of dudes we just met. I don't know their names - hey, what's your guys' names?" he explains before I hear him speak to someone else. He then speaks again, "They said their names were Jack. Both of them are Jack."

"Both of them are Jack?" I ask, already ready to shoot myself. If it's them I swear to God.


"Great. Does one have dark hair and the other one have blonde hair?"

"Yeah!" he laughs "How did you know?!"

I sigh, wondering why they haven't went back to Omaha yet. Did they just decide to take a long ass summer vacation here? I mean, come on now. "Matthew, that's them. I told you.. remember, my old friends, the ones who came along while I was on a date with Taylor..."

"Oh! That's them? Well shit."

I sigh again, "I guess I'll just stay home." I frown down at the floor. I'm bored though... I don't want to stay home.

"They're actually not that bad, they're fun to hangout with. You should just come."

"Are you serious? I don't want to see them again." Okay, that was kind of a lie.. Of course I want to see them again, just not as much as before. Jack G basically tried to have sex with me, and I knew he wouldn't stop until I did something and I had to get out of there.

"Whatever you say. Look, I gotta go because we're about to start a game of volleyball. If you change your mind let me know." and he hangs up.

"Wow." I say aloud, throwing my phone to the other side of my bed. I walk back downstairs, only to see Nash and Cameron in the same place just in a different position. This time Cameron is lying upside down with his feet up and Nash is lying sideways, with his legs on Cameron's stomach. "You look comfortable." I laugh at them as I walk past them, meeting Cam's eyes for a minute before looking away.

"We're so bored.." Nash breathes out like it actually takes effort to talk.

"Tell me about it," I scoff, plopping down onto the recliner. "Look at my legs, we are halfway through summer and I'm still pale as shit." I say, sticking my legs out in front of me as I pull up the footrest on the recliner. I guess I'm over exaggerating just a bit, I actually have a pretty good tan but it's slowly going away because I haven't been to the beach that much this summer.

"Don't cuss, Madilyn." Nash scolds me and I roll my eyes. Sometimes he thinks just because he's only a little bit older than me he can tell me what to do.

"I think it's hot." Cameron says, and we both stare at him. His eyes widen a bit. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah," Nash says, "you did."


hi yes i know how bad this chapter was but it's only because next chapter is (hopefully idk) going to get gOod ok¿?


do you want me to start another fanfic or have a sequel to this one?

like, if madilyn picks someone in the end then there still going to be 3 boys left, they all need love too ;)

ok so new fanfic or sequel?? 😘

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