Sequel Info swag

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I am really sorry for leaving you guys on a huge cliff hanger like that oops :)) I love you all!!

Thank you everyone who has voted for all my chapters, commented, fangirled about the relationships, and just read my fanfic and stayed for the last chapter! I really hope you guys read my sequel which if you want to find out who she's with you're going to have to read it ;)

Anyway, the sequel is going to be called "The One" because you know... it just makes sense idk

Also I would like everyone to know that this was my first story, and it was really good practice for me and over time I developed a lot of writing skills and hopefully I've gotten better. I'm starting another fanfic after my sequel that I hope gets as many reads as this one and I really hope you guys will read it!! (:

It might be up tomorrow, I don't know yet because I would have to make a cover for it and I suck at making covers so it may take a while unless I find someone who will make a cover for me what oh

But yeah, thank you guys so much and it SHOULD be up tomorrow!! Unless I don't get a cover lol ok bye



remember your fav loves you and so do i


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