44: Taylyn

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Madilyn's POV

I don't say anything to Taylor when he walks into my room. Now is not the time.

"Are you gong to tell me why you've been ignoring me?" he asks, closing my door and locking it. If my mom knew there was a boy in my room with the door locked she wouldn't be very happy.

"I haven't been ignoring just you, I've been ignoring all of you." I shrug, answering him in the simplest way that I could.

"Why?" He sits down on my bed next to me, so I scoot over a little so he has more room. He scoots over the same amount that I do so he's pressing up against me. He's making this hard.

"I think you know why," I respond in a whisper. I don't look at him because if I do, I might find myself back in that day where Taylor first kissed me. I would be brought back to that moment and I would forget what was going on and just kiss him, digging the hole even deeper.

"Yeah, I do.." he puts his hand on top of mine and I finally look at him to see him already looking down at me. "I'm sorry. If it helps, I really like you, like a lot."

"That actually makes it worse.." I frown at him as he gives me a weak smile. I can tell he's trying, but I don't really want him to. Not right now, at least. I get up from my bed and start walking around my room. I just... ugh. I can feel Taylor's eyes on me as I pace around my room, and this goes on for a few more minutes before I finally say something. "Taylor?"

"Yeah?" he asks and I stop pacing, and I glance at him. My glance turns into a stare and I just stand there, looking at him while he stares right back. "What is it?"

"What am I supposed to do?" I spit out, watching his expression change. He stands up, walking over to me slowly and pulling me into a hug. I decide to let this happen and wrap my arms around him, closing my eyes. "How could you even like me after all that's happened? The better question is, how could you even like me in the first place?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" He questions from above me. I breathe in and I accidentally get caught off guard because he smells really, really good. That wasn't supposed to sound creepy. When I don't say anything he speaks again. "Madilyn."

"Um, I don't know. Why do you even like me? That's what I'm trying to figure out."

He takes a deep breath and his chest rises and falls with the side of my face pressed against it. I feel like I needed this. I needed Taylor to come in here and hold me in his arms as we stood in the middle of my room, something about it brought the peace that I've been craving. "Why would I not like you?" he fires back softly.

"Because before I came here nobody did," I say, waiting a couple of seconds before I decide to add, "Besides Jack."

"I can't stand here and tell you why I lo... like you so much," he coughs awkwardly, and my heartbeat quickens. Was I hearing things, or did he almost say love? "I just do. I've never wanted a serious relationship, but now..." he trails off as I lift my head from his chest and look at him. He's looking at me again, and this time I look right back without looking away. I don't think I can look away.

In this moment, I realized something. It's something I have been sort of realizing lately, but now it's sinking in all the way. Taylor must really like me if he's still here after everything. After I made him think I liked him, (which I did) and then he saw me kissing Jack when it was supposed to be our date, when he caught me cheating on Shawn... He claims to still like me, which amazes me. "After everything, Taylor, how can you still like me?"

"I already told you," he says, leaning down until his face his only inches away from mine. "I just do." he finishes, leaning down all the way until the familiar pair of lips are on mine again. It's been a while. I freeze for a second, but then I kiss back. I move my hands so I can wrap my arms around his neck. I shouldn't be doing this, especially when I'm trying to figure out the situation but I can't help it. I enjoy the moment until it's over and we both pull away from each other. His forehead falls down to rest against mine and now all I can hear is his breathing.

"I love you." he breathes out.

"No... you don't." I remove my arms from his neck and take a few steps back. "You don't know what you're talking about."

He just takes the few steps towards me and grabs my hand again. "Yes I do, Madilyn. I know what I'm talking about. I've liked girls before, but it's different with you. I don't like saying that I like you, it doesn't sound like enough. I love you."


He backs me up into the wall, pressing his lips against mine again. I should stop him, but like usual I don't. He pulls away for a moment. "I never realized how much I cared about you until you were taken..." he says before reattaching our lips, this time taking it further and inserting his tongue into my mouth. This feels awkward, because my mom is right below us downstairs and I'm up here making out with a boy. Not to mention, a boy she sees almost every day because he hangs out with her son.

That thought soon leaves my mind as I focus on kissing Taylor. He pulls away again. "What do you want, Madilyn? Who do you want?" He asks, his eyes slightly darker than before. Who do I want?

"Y-you." I say.


hehe :) love u guys 😉

p.s. just bc she said she wanted tay doesn't mean the story is over.

p.p.s. this is going all the way until chapter 50, then it's over :( sob

p.p.p.s. but don't worry bC SEQUEL

ok bye taylyn shippers be happy


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