12: Selfies with Shawn

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(Still at da mall)

Matthew's POV

I don't think they noticed, but I kind of snuck away from Cameron, Taylor, and Nash. Kind of rude how they didn't notice, whatever. Anyway, I saw Madilyn and Shawn walk by and they looked like a fucking couple, minus the holding hands because they weren't holding hands, thank God. But they were laughing together and smiling at each other and Shawn just wouldn't stop staring at her.

So yeah that's when I decided to go find a girl to make Madilyn jealous... ya know? Does that work? I've never done it before. I guess if it doesn't work then I will just learn from my mistakes right? My eyes landed on a blonde-haired girl. I don't know how else to describe her because her back was turned. Maybe she will do. I made my way over to her quickly, just in case Madilyn and Shawn decide to go somewhere and they'll be out of my sight.

I tapped the girl on the shoulder, and when she turned around she looked familiar. She had bright, pretty blue eyes but where have I seen her before? "Uh, hey..." I cough. Shit, I didn't plan this good enough.

"Hi Matthew. What are you doing?" she asks and wait what?? She knows my name, who is she? Frick. She looks so familiar, sounds so familiar.. who the hell is she?!

"Um, nothing. I was just bored and I lost my friends," I answer her. It's on the tip of my tongue... what is her name-

"Hey, Haylee? Can you come tell me if this dress makes me look fat?" I hear from one of the dressing rooms and the blonde girl gives me a small smile before excusing herself.

HAYLEE. That was her name. And oh, she must be one of the two girls that are Madilyn's friends and came here with us. And the girl who called her name is Ariana. Wait, no... it was like Aria? Ariel, it was Ariel.

I sigh louder than I probably should and turn around, only to come face to face with Madilyn. Holy lord, chocolate brown eyes. Big, beautiful, milk chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey there pretty brown eyes." I grin and wow did I just say that? I'm an idiot, quoting Cody Simpson lyrics and shit.

She laughed lightly, "Hi Matt. Why are you in a girls store?"

"Uh..." I don't know what to say. I'm in a girl store because I wanted to find a girl to make her jealous because she's with Shawn. I obviously can't tell her that, so...

"He was talking to me." Haylee suddenly pops up again, answering the question for me.

"Oh." Madilyn says blankly, and I see her scrunch up her eyebrows together in confusion and maybe sadness. What?

"Uh, yeah. Needed someone to hangout with." I go along with my plan, almost shrieking in excitement when Madilyn clenches her jaw.

"You could have hung out with me." She smiles tightly. This is amazing and I am going to remember this for the rest of my life. I'm even going to tell her this story at our wedding.

"You were with Shawn." I smile back at her, and then sling my arm over Haylee. The blonde girl looks confused and happy and uncomfortable all at the same time. I hold in my smug smile when Madilyn eyes my arm that's over Haylee's shoulders.

"Okay. Bye." she says and turns around, grabbing Shawn's arm before pulling him out of the store. Did that actually work? What the hell, it actually worked.

Madilyn's POV

"You okay? You look mad." Shawn tells me as I pull him towards Victoria's Secret. I've been contemplating whether or not to go in this store with Shawn but I just really want a pair of new leggings... It's not like I'm going to buy bras or things or any of that, I save that for when I'm alone or with girl-friends.

"This store makes me feel uncomfy." Shawn tells me when we enter the store and I can't help but laugh. This boy is so adorably cute and funny and I think I might actually have a small crush on him.

"Don't worry, I'm getting yoga pants. Or sweatpants, depends which mood I'm in."

"What's the difference?" He asks.

"I dunno, google it." I smile at him. I realize that I still have a grip on his arm, and he doesn't even seem to mind. I let go of his arm and grab his hand instead. He looks down at it, a small smile breaking out on his lips.

I decided to get a pair of sweatpants this time, because sweatpants are just so comfortable and I just love sweatpants, you know?

After that, Shawn bought me ice cream at the food court because he is the sweetest boy ever. We sat on a mall bench and I set my bags on the ground so I could focus on my ice cream. I pulled out my iPhone and opened my camera app. "Shawn?"

"Yes?" he asks with his mouth over his ice cream cone. I giggle at him before continuing with my question.

"Can we take a selfie? Or maybe two? Or like thirty?" I smile and bat my eyelashes, making him laugh and nod his head.

I laugh with him and we get ready for the selfie. Shawn put his face next to mine and I could feel the presence of him being so close to me. We took about five selfies like that, then Shawn took my phone and decided to take his own selfies. He had his own little photo shoot while I watched in amusement, eating my Oreo Blizzard. A lot of Shawn Selfies later, he faces the camera at me.

"Say cheese, beautiful!"

I cover my face instantly. "Do not."

"Awww c'mon! Please just smile for the camera one time?" he begs, giving me a puppy dog face that I can see through my fingers. I shake my head with my hands on my face still. Shawn frowned at me, setting my phone down and taking both of his hands, placing them over mine. Slowly, he brings my hands down to my lap and away from my face. I gulp because his eyes are staring right into mine, and he starts to get closer to me. "You are beautiful." he whispers to me, leaning closer and closer. His lips were hovering over mine, and he reaches a hand up to push a strand of my hair back. Right before he could lean in any further, someone decided to sit right in between us, making us jump backwards.

It was Taylor, and he said, "Well hi guys."

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