7: Kiss on the Cheek

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'I wasn't feeling well and I found a ride home with someone, text you guys later!!' I sent the text to both Haylee and Ariel, looking back up at Taylor when I did so. "I'm ready now. Where are we going?"

He shrugs, "I don't know."

"Well you asked me to leave with you so where are we going?" I ask again but, once again, the boy rolls his eyes.

"I don't know, Madilyn. Let's just go." He grabs my hand and starts pulling me to the door.

"What about your friends?" I ask him as he pulls me outside, where it's already dark.

"What about yours?" he retorts, and then goes over to his trunk and opens it. I give him an odd look when he takes out a red hoodie and tosses to me. "Take that off." he tugs at the sleeve of Cameron's sweatshirt.

"What, why-" I start to question but he cuts me off.

"Just do it." he says and I quickly do what he says. I pull off the sweatshirt, causing the shirt I have underneath to go up with it a little. Half of my stomach is revealed, and I quickly pull my shirt back down and blush.

"Sorry," I whisper. Yes, my stomach is kind of tan because it is summer which is a plus, but I'm not exactly secure about my body. I don't like to show it off like some girls, I'm just not comfortable with myself. I envy the confidence some girls have, and I hope one day I can feel that way about myself.

My dad used to scream at me for just wearing a tank top around the house, and part of me thinks about his voice every time I want to wear something slightly revealing.

"Why are you sorry?" He asks, clearly confused and maybe... concerned? I can't exactly read his expression right now.

"Because I.. my stomach... I don't know." I say quietly, avoiding his gaze. I still haven't put his sweatshirt on and I was cold. But I couldn't bring myself to put it on for some reason. I'm embarrassed now.

"There is no reason to be sorry.. Madilyn, if you're trying to say that your stomach is embarrassing..." he trails off, walking closer to me. He then pulls the sweatshirt over my head and I slip my arms through the holes. Taylor wraps his arms around me and looks down to me, "if that's what you're trying to say, then shut up."

That wasn't the reason, but I just went along with it. I weakly smile up at the brown-haired boy. One minute he was being rude, and now he's being sweet and I actually feel like kissing him right now.

"Sorry, I just don't think I have the best body." I tell him. No, I wasn't looking for attention, I just didn't want to tell him that even miles and miles away, I still felt like my dad would yell at me for showing any skin.

"You don't need to have the best body, but to someone else... your body could be the most amazing thing they've ever seen." he whispers, leaning down closer to my face. His nose brushes against mine and I get chills all over my body. It wasn't from the coldness of the night, either.

"I hope that 'someone else' comes along soon." I whisper with my eyes closed.

"Maybe they already have." he whispers back, moving his lips to my cheek and kissing me softly there. I slowly open my eyes back up and look him at him. I blink. "C'mon, I'll take you home." he says then, pulling away from me and running around to the other side of the car to get in the drivers seat. He doesn't open the door for me, but I don't really expect him to because it's not like we are on a date or anything.

But can I just say, I could still feel his lips on my cheek.

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