15: Yelling

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I woke up to yelling. Who the hell was yelling at - I glanced at the clock real quick - 9 in the morning? Groaning, I put a pillow over my head but the voices were still heard. It sounded like.... Nash. And Cameron. Maybe Taylor was here too? And, oh shit, Matthew.

"What do you mean you hung out with Madilyn all night last night?!" That was Nash, I think.

"Chill dude. What's the problem?" I think Matthew replies. Curious, I quietly got out of bed and creeped over to the door, putting my ear to it.

"If you like her you need to back off now." This time it's Taylor talking, and he seems genuinely upset. Why would Matthew even like me? We're just friends, right?

"Well lucky for you, I don't like her." Matthew spat and darted down the stairs, it was quiet for a moment until he slammed the front door.

Wait, why did Matthew's words actually sting a little...?

Suddenly my door was opening from the other side, and it slams right into my head. I bring my hand up to my forehead and grab where the door just hit me, muttering "Ow," under my breath.

"Madilyn?" It's Taylor. "Did I just..?"

"Yeah, you hit me with the door." I laugh because this is the second time Taylor has injured me in less than 24 hours.

"I should be more careful around you," he laughs, coming into my room. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I smile at him to tell him I'm fine. "What are you doing here?"

"Nash and Cam invited me to go to play basketball with them. I have no idea why they called me at 8:30 in the morning, but I decided to come anyway. I just want time to go by faster so I can finally take you on a date." he whispers the last part, smiling wide as he leans down to press a kiss where the door hit me.

I smiled. "What time are you picking me up again?"

"6, be ready babe. I have to go now because we're gonna go hoop but I'll see you later." he quickly kissed my cheek one more time before rushing out of my room, and I crossed the carpet to grab my phone. I had one text from Matt that I got three minutes ago.

Matthew Espinosa: ur going on a date with Taylor tonight?

I don't understand, why does he care? He said himself that he didn't like me.

- Mattlyn's iMessage conversation -

Me: yeah why?

Matt: Oh

Me: you didn't answer my question..

Matt: I was just wondering.

Me: oh okay...

- conversation over -

Matthew read my last text but he didn't reply. He seemed so mad. I can tell when people are mad by their texts, and Matthew is definitely mad about something.

Whatever, I'll worry about this later. For now I have to worry about what I'm going to wear on this date with Taylor tonight.



I love your guys comments like y'all are so funny I love it okay. Taylyn's date in NExt chapter!!

For this chapter, comment what you think Taylor and Madilyn are going to do on their date, and if it will go down well or nah?? ;)


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