28: The Party: Part 4

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i don't have pants on


I could not find Madilyn anywhere. I knew she was here because Carter told me that she came here with Cameron, which I felt a little upset about even though I knew she was going with him. I wonder if she knows that he's off with some other girl? Probably not. And to make it worse, that girl he was with was Madilyn's friend.

I want to tell her to not get involved with him, and not just because I'm selfish and want her to myself. I actually don't want her to get hurt, and I know she will if she gets involved with Cam. No offense to him, he's my best friend, but... he likes to flirt a lot.

Madilyn deserves someone better than Cameron. That someone may or may not be me.

Madilyn's POV

I was sitting on the couch in Matthew's house by myself. There were so many people around me and it was loud, but I was just sitting there, on my phone..

It's been like this for almost half an hour now. I want to go home but at the same time, I want to find Shawn.. I don't know why but I've been thinking about him all night. Sighing to myself, I go back to my phone just as someone sits next to me. I don't bother looking up, well at first I didn't. But then I heard Shawn's voice.

"You look like you're having a lot of fun," he laughs from next to me and I look up. "What's wrong?"

I bite down on my bottom lip, putting my phone in my bag before answering. "I don't know, I want to go home.."

He frowns, "Why? Where's Cameron?"

"With Haylee."

"Oh, so you know?" he asks me and I look at him with confusion. He must of noticed because he then says, "I saw him go upstairs with her. I have been trying to find you all night."

"Me too." I tell him honestly. This whole night I've just been thinking about Shawn, I just wanted to find him and hangout with him. He's one of the only people that can make me feel better, for some odd reason.

"You have?" a smile peaks out on his lips, making me smile too. "Do you want a ride home? I kind of want to go home too, I'm not really in the whole party mood."

"You don't have to, I can just wait for Nash." I tell him even though I really, really want to go home now.

"C'mon, let's go." he grabs my hand and pulls me up. He protectively pulls me to his side with his arm around me and pulls me through the crowd until we're out the door. "You didn't want to stay for the fireworks?" he asks as he unlocks his car.

"Not really." I shrug, getting into the car as he walks around to the other side. When he starts driving, he keeps one hand on the steering wheel and grabs mine with the other. I look down at our hands without questioning it, it just feels right.

The whole drive home Shawn talked to me about something while I looked out the window. I wasn't really looking at anything because it was like pitch black outside, the moon was hidden in the clouds somewhere. It was only around 11:30 PM.

Finally, we pull into my driveway and I unbuckle my seatbelt, slipping my hand out of Shawn's. "Thank you for driving me home."

"No problem," he smiles lightly. I lean over and press a kiss on his cheek, lingering there for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Goodnight." I whisper.

"Goodnight Madilyn." he whispers back. I reach for the door and step out into the summer nighttime air. When I walk up the steps and get to my front door, it's locked. I realize then that nobody is home, and I don't have a key. My mother doesn't believe in spare keys.

"Frick," I mutter under my breath, looking up and closing my eyes for a second. I stand there for a second before I hear Shawn yell for me.

"Want to come to my place?"


wassup y'all

i have a question (the same question i ask every chapter lmao)

team taylor?

team matt?

team shawn?

team cameron?

this time don't say the ship names, just say team Taylor/Shawn/Matthew/Cam

ight bye ily

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