17: The Best Night of Your Life

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I pull away from Shawn quickly. What am I doing? This is not okay. What I'm doing is not okay. I need to stop now before it gets too out of hand. Oh who am I kidding, it's already out of hand!

"Don't go on a date with him." he says, grabbing my hand in his and looking me into the eye. "Please."

"Shawn you can't tell me who I can or can't go on a date with." I tell him calmly.

"You just kissed me, I think-"

"No I didn't, you kissed me." I quickly interrupt him and he frowns.

"But you kissed me back..." he replies softly, looking down at our hands. Neither of us say anything for a while, we just stand here. I don't know what to say and I keep trying to think of something but nothing comes to mind. The only thing I can think of is what I'm going to do. "I just don't get it." Shawn finally says. "You acted like you liked me. I know I never told you how I felt but I just thought you knew. And stupid me, I thought you felt the same way. But now here you are, getting ready for your date with Taylor."

He slips his hand out of mine and backs away from me. "Shawn, I..." I didn't know what to say. I did feel the same way. I still feel the same way. It's so confusing. When Shawn kissed me, it felt like I only had feelings for him and I could just forget about Taylor all together. But when Taylor kissed me, it felt like it was just him. What does this even mean? Why do guys decide to take interest in me?

"It's cool. I hope you and Taylor have fun, bye Madilyn." he walks away and I don't do anything about it. I just watch him go.


Cameron's POV

I have no clue why Nash invited Taylor to come play basketball with us. He's pissing me off, talking about his date with Madilyn. Of course he would jump right into asking her out. He probably knew that I liked her and wanted to get her before I did. But how would he know? I told them all that I liked someone else. Even though it was a lie I'm pretty sure they believed it.

Now Taylor won't shut up talking about he was going to make it the best night of her summer so far. And I've had enough, so I just

"Can you like shut up about Madilyn for two seconds?" I mumble and he just stares at me.

Then, being the immature boy he is, Taylor counts to two and then says, "Madilyn."

I hate when people do that. Annoying. I'm so annoyed.

"I've never seen you so mad before Cam." Nash speaks up to me and I roll my eyes. I'm not even mad, I'm just frustrated and irritated.

"I'm not mad," I mumbled, shoving past him and walking towards Nash's car.

"Can't you just be happy for me that I finally found someone I actually like? Like, a lot." Taylor spits at me and I ignore him, but he keeps up with me. "What the hell is your problem?"

"I don't have a problem." I tell him without looking back.

"Whatever." he gives up, turning around and walking back to Nash. I take out my phone and text Matt, asking him to come pick me up. Nash drove us here so I don't exactly have a way to leave. He texts me back saying 'ok bb' and I wait for him to pick me up. When he does, I get into the car without saying a word and slam the door.

"What happened?" he asks me with a knowing look. Matthew always knows what's up, that's what is so great about him being one of my best friends.

"Nothing, Taylor was just pissing me off." I reply to him as he starts driving towards my house.

"Was he talking about his date with Madilyn..?"

I look at him, "how did you know?"

He shrugs. "Just knew he would do that. What was he saying? Did he say where they were going?"

I don't question why Matt was asking so many questions because it doesn't matter to me at the moment. "Some fucking Chinese restaurant because apparently he 'knows for a fact that Madilyn loves Chinese food'." I roll my eyes to myself. Taylor doesn't know anything about dates.

"That's where they're going? Wow, sounds like fun." He says sarcastically, and I laugh. Why are we dissing on our best friend?

"I guess we should be happy for him.." it pains me to say it.

"I guess..." Matthew sighs.


Time goes by slowly but the time has finally come around. It's 5:58 and I'm sitting on my bed, nervous. Well I wasn't that nervous because I hangout with Taylor a lot, but why is this time different? Maybe it's because I know this is an actual date and the rest of the boys won't be with us this time.

I see Taylor's car pull into my driveway at exactly 6:04.

"Don't go on a date with him," Shawn's words replay in my head over and over. "Please."

I shake it off and stand up, looking in my mirror one more time. Haylee and Ariel came over earlier and helped me pick out something to wear, since Hayes was like no help at all. It was one of the hottest days of summer today and the sun was beating down like crazy.

I was wearing high-waisted shorts with a black tee and a read flannel over it that I left unbuttoned. Along with that I was wearing my simple black vans and I let my hair fall down my back in its natural way.

"Madilyn!" I hear Nash call from downstairs and I gulp. I'm probably going to act shy around Taylor... ugh. I walk down the stairs slowly and I see Taylor standing next to Nash with his hands in his pockets. He's wearing his black shirt that said 'COLD' on it in pink letters and a matching pink bandana. He just... he's so.. hot.

"Ok well I feel weird so you two have fun just Taylor don't fuck my sister k bye." Nash says to us before running up the stairs. Leave it to Nash to make people feel awkward.

"He's an idiot, lets go." Taylor smiles at me and holds out his hand, which I take in mine. When we step outside I realize that I forgot my sunglasses again and it's really bright outside. Taylor takes a pair out of his pocket and hand them to me. "You always forget yours. I'm not even going to try and be smooth like last time because I'll just end up poking you in the eye again."

I laugh at the thought of Taylor trying to be smooth but failing and put his sunglasses on, thanking him.

"You look really pretty." he tells me and leans down to kiss me on the cheek.

"So do you." I say.

"I look pretty?"

"Mhm." I smile and we continue down to his car, this time he opens the door for me. Wow, I didn't know boys in this generation actually did that. Maybe he googled some stuff before he came to pick me up. I got in his car, it always surprises me how clean his car is. He does treat it like it's his baby so maybe it shouldn't be that surprising.

He gets into the drivers seat and closes the door, looking over at me. "You ready for this?"

"For what?"

He laughs, "For the best night of your fucking life."



I know I said I would put the date in this chapter but I lied again oops. NEXT CHAPTER I PROMISE

Please comment if you think their date is going to go good or bad? :))

I'm updating later since I'm not at school today!

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