21: Thank you Shawn

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I hope this doesn't bother you guys but I'm changing Shawn's age to 16 for the sake of this story so he can drive. Okay okay ily

Shawn's POV

The only thing I could think about was what Madilyn could possibly be doing on her date with Taylor. Is she having fun? Did they kiss? Have they already kissed? Does she have feelings for him?

Sighing, I plopped down backwards on my bed with my guitar on my stomach. Staring at the ceiling, I brushed my fingers lightly over the strings of my guitar. How am I supposed to get over her. I didn't realize how much I actually liked her until I found out the feelings weren't mutual.

My phone started buzzing next to me, and I probably wouldn't have answered it if Madilyn's face and name hadn't popped up on the screen. I quickly sat up in my bed and lay my guitar next to me, swiping my thumb across my phone screen and putting my phone to my ear. "Madilyn?"

"Sh-awn," she was crying. Like hard core sobbing into the phone. My heart starts pounding in my chest. "Shawn? Are y-you there?"

"Yeah I'm here, I'm here. What's going on?!" I abruptly stand to my feet and pull the first pair of shoes I could find onto my feet. "Where are you?"

"I- I don't know."

"Madilyn what's going on!" I'm already running down the stairs. It's almost midnight and everyone is sleeping so I have to be quiet. If I wake my mom up then I know I'll be in trouble.

"I j-just need you to pick me up." She whispers into the phone and I can hear a lot of movement in the background as I leave my house.

"You don't know where you are? Madilyn where's Taylor?"

"He left me a long time ago. I- I was with..." She stops talking and I wait for her to say something, but all I can hear is her breathing.

"Madilyn I don't know how to help you if you don't tell me where you are!"

"Shh, hold on." she whispers and I start to panic while I pull out of my driveway.


"Stop, Jack. I don't smoke." I shove Gilinsky's hand away from my face for the second time. He is really pissing me off. First, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Jack and Jack have never been like this before.

"C'mon Madilyn, you seem upset." He holds the joint up to my lips again and I glare at him.

"What is wrong with you?" I smack his hand away harder this time and him and Jack both laugh.

"Just trying to cheer you up, babe. It's summer, you should be having fun."

I stare at the sky for a while, Jack and Jack are doing their own thing. They're right, it's summer... And I'm not apposed to marijuana; I've just never smoked it before or thought about smoking it.


I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and I feel myself being grabbed by Jack, (Gilinsky) and he puts his lips to mine. His mouth tastes like marijuana and it's kinda gross, so I shove him off of me when he tries to shove his tongue into my mouth. "Please, stop."

"You need to learn to have fun, Madilyn." He tells me and tries one more time to get me to do it. This time, I don't decline. I'm tired of saying no and I have a weak spot for Jack G. After coughing my lungs out, I realize the Jacks were laughing at me.

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