37: Beautiful Voice

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Madilyn's POV

I was at Shawn's house, and it was around 6 PM. We were in his room, sitting on his bed as he did something on his laptop and I just sat next to him with my head on his shoulder. I was tired because we had went to the beach that day and we were there for a long time. But hey, I got even more tan which is a good thing, besides the sunburn on my nose and cheeks.

"I'm really comfortable right now, babe, but I have to pee..." he said after a while and I laughed.

"Okay," I took my head off of his shoulder and he smiled, leaning down to kiss my cheek before handing me his laptop and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. I don't know why he gave me his laptop, but whatever.

There was a lot of stuff open on here.. and I didn't know what I was doing and I accidentally clicked a random file somehow. A whole bunch of videos popped up and I looked at the screen, scrunching up my eyebrows. The video showed Shawn sitting with his guitar, looking like he was about to.. sing. I looked up and listened to hear if anyone was going to walk in, but I didn't hear anything. So, I pressed play.

Shawn was singing... he was singing Give me Love by Ed Sheeran. And he was amazing. It's only been twenty seconds into the video but his voice was beautiful.. I knew Shawn could play the guitar really well, but that he could sing? That never crossed my mind.

I hear the toilet flush and panic, quickly exiting out of all the videos that opened up, there was a lot, and setting his laptop beside me on the bed. I took out my phone and pretended to be doing something on it just as the door opens back up. Shawn comes in, smiling at me as he jumps back on the bed. I could tell he was tired just like me.

He lays his head against the pillow and opens his arms, which I take as an invitation to cuddle up to him. "I'm tired." he says.

"Me too, but I have to be home in two hours."

"Don't care." he mumbles, a lazy smile on his face as he leans into me. "Let's just take a nap.." he whispers.

"Okay," I whisper back, and we lay there in silence for a moment, before I speak up again. "Shawn?"

"Mmm?" he murmurs as a reply.

"Can you sing to me?"

He opens his eyes, slowly pulling his head away so he can look at me. He has a confused look on his face as he says, "What?"

"Will you sing to me?" I ask again, looking at him seriously.

"Madilyn... What makes you think I can sing?" He asks, sitting up in his bed now. I stay where I am and just look up at him.

"Why shouldn't I think that?" I reply.

"Did you see my videos?" He asks.

"What videos?" I ask.

"Madilyn." He says.

"Shawn." I say.

"You saw them.. didn't you?" he asks again, his cheeks turning a tint of red which wasn't from being sunburned earlier at the beach. He sheepishly looks at the blue comforter on his bed and plays with his hands. "That's embarrassing.."

"No it's not," I grab his hand in mine so he would stop playing with it, and give it a small squeeze. "Why do you make videos of yourself singing if you don't think you can sing?"

"I never said I don't think I can sing." he says, a grin tugging at his lips.

I smile too, "Exactly. The thirty seconds that I watched were amazing, Shawn. You're amazing..."

He finally looks down at me, asking me, "Really?" and I nod.

"Yes... have you ever showed anyone?"

He shakes his head no, "My family knows that I like to sing, but they've never actually heard me sing a real song. They've only heard me sing to myself in the shower or along to the radio.. I made those videos because I've always wanted to put them on YouTube. But I just don't know.."

"I definitely think you should. I mean, you have a beautiful voice Shawn," I tell him and he just smiles. "So will you sing to me please?"

"Yeah.." he replies, letting out a nervous breath. With his hand still in mine, he closes his eyes and starts to sing softly and quietly. He was singing the chorus of As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber. He didn't open his eyes one time as he sang, and I just watched him with a smile on my face. This boy is perfect.. well to me, anyway. When he finishes, he peeks open one eye and looks at me. "Well?"

I laugh at him, "Shawn I'm being serious when I say this, you have a talent.. you need to get your videos out there. I think I'm in love with your voice."

"And I think I'm in love with you." He blurts out suddenly.




so question for the chapter:

do you think he really meant it or he doesn't know what he's talking about?


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