14: Moments with Matthew

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I was kissing Taylor. Taylor was kissing me. We were kissing and I didn't know what to think. Actually, I couldn't think when I had this boy's lips moving against mine. He brought his hand up to cup the side of my face and he tilted his head to the side. His lips molded into mine and I just couldn't stop kissing him. There was something about Taylor that just made me want him so badly, and he was making me feel so special just by kissing me. But I had to stop, and so did he, because eventually I would run out of air. He looked at me closely, and I had no idea what he was thinking.

"Madilyn?" he finally says.

"Yeah?" I reply, biting down on my lower lip.

"We're going to go on a date. Tomorrow." he didn't ask, and he didn't have to. I would have said yes anyway.

"Okay." I smile, and he smiles, and then he leans back in to press his lips against mine for the second time.


Taylor pulled out of our driveway in his car as I made my way up to the door. When I got in, I couldn't stop smiling. What the hell just happened? I'm going on a date with Taylor tomorrow, and we've already kissed more than one time.

"What are you smiling about?" Nash asks, and I almost jump out of my skin. I didn't know he was there.. Awkward. He's smirking at me and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up," I mutter and punch him in the arm. Nash and I play around a lot, like make fun of each other and play fight but I know at the end of the day Nash will hurt anyone who hurts me. That's always the kind of brother I wanted. We were very close in age, just 11 months apart.

"No, really. What happened with Taylor?" He asks me as we both walk to the kitchen. I've come to learn that when Nash and I are having a conversation, it's usually held in the kitchen.

"Nothing." I lie.

"You know, he came here to talk to me about asking you out. I almost said no." He tells me. He is leaning against the kitchen counter, right across from me as I am sitting on the counter with my feet dangling down.

"Yeah, I'm glad you didn't."

"You like him?"

I shrug. "I don't know.."

"Well, let me just tell you that I only said it was okay for him to ask you out because I've never seen him like someone this much."


After my talk with Nash, he told me he was heading over to Cameron's. Mom got home from work right before he left and I hung out with her for a while. I don't talk to her much, which I should because she was out of my life for 16 years. She went to bed early, like around 9:30 because she had to get up early the next day for work again. Before she went to sleep she told that I could have a friend over if I wanted. I wonder if she knows I only have two friends. Unless you count Nash's friends...

I first texted Haylee, but she said she was babysitting her brother so I texted Ariel. Ariel told me she was with Jake. Great. Another night being alone in my room.. bored... nothing to do....

My phone buzzed and I looked at it almost instantly, hoping Ariel or Haylee had changed their plans and were coming over to cure my boredom.

It wasn't then though. It was Matthew.

Matthew Espinosa: Hey


Maybe Matt can come over... Would my mom be okay with that? She did say that I could have whoever I wanted over. But would Matthew even want to? I don't think he considers me as his friend. Wait, when I first came here he told me that he wanted to be my first friend here. So I guess I'm asking him to come over.

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