11: Realizing

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"Wow Madilyn, your brother is really hot." Haylee says to me as the three of us walk through the mall in the order Haylee, Ariel, then me. For some reason Ariel is always in the middle, maybe it's because she's the tallest? I don't know and I really don't know why I'm thinking about it. We were at the mall with Nash and guess who? If you guessed those four boys that I see almost every day, you were right. The three of us girls and the five boys kind of separated a while ago though.

I snorted, "No he isn't."

"You only think that because he is your brother." she laughs as we enter some shoe store in the mall. I just nod in agreement because I guess I don't think about Nash that way because he's my brother.

"I think Hayes is hotter." Ariel speaks up and I scrunch up my nose.

"He's 13, idiot." I giggle at her when she rolls her eyes.

"So what? That's only a four year difference!"

"Ariel, he's 13 and you're 16. That's only three years." I tell her, waiting for her to finish counting the math in her head and gasping.

"Oh I guess you're right! See, that's even better. Three year difference."

"Whatever, you're dating Jake anyway." I jokingly remind her, lightly nudging her. The two of them start admiring a pair of black high heels that don't look too comfortable so I pull out my phone. I had one text message that I must have missed a couple minutes ago. I couldn't help but smile when I read the text.

Shawn Mendes: come to the vans store please :)

I texted him back an 'okay' before telling the two girls I would meet them later. They barely noticed me leaving because they were absorbed in "shoe heaven," as they like to call it. Making my way to the small shoe store, I spot Shawn standing inside, studying some shoes in his hands. I walked up to him and poked him on the shoulder. "Hi."

He turns around and smiles when he sees me, "Hey," I don't know what to do when he pulls me in for a hug, shoes still in his hands. I was not expecting him to go in for a hug, but okay. When he pulls away, he says, "I need your help."

"With what?"

"Which ones?" he asks, holding out two different Vans in front of me. I tapped the grey pair with my index finger and he smiled, "I was going to go with those ones."

"Then why did you have to ask me?" I giggle and watch as he puts the other pair back on the shelf.

"I just wanted your opinion," he says, looking away sheepishly before adding, "and I wanted to hangout with you here."

"Awwww." I teased him, tapping his red cheeks lightly.

After buying the shoes, Shawn and I exit the store and continued down the mall. It wasn't awkward or anything because I was now comfortable with Shawn. Well, at least more comfortable with him than anyone else here. Is it weird that I feel more comfortable with him than my own family? And it's only been a few weeks.

-THIRD PERSON- (I don't like 3rd person that much so this will probably be the only time I'm using it lol)

Taylor glares in Shawn's direction from a distance. Why does he get to hangout with Madilyn here all by himself? From what he could see, Taylor noticed Shawn's hand twitching next to Madilyn's. It looks like he wants to hold her hand but is scared to do it. Taylor hopes he doesn't, because he already called dibs that night in Nash's room.

Cameron, next to Taylor along with Nash, noticed the same thing, and he wasn't happy about it. From the distance, Cam and Taylor could see Madilyn and Shawn in the pet store. They were just outside of the store Madilyn and Shawn were in, scowling at the sight while Nash was oblivious to the fact that his two bestfriends were jealous.

When Nash finally looked over to the two other boys, he noticed the look on Cam's face. He's never seen Cameron have that kind of glare on his face. "Damn Cam is you mad?" he goes to click his tongue but Cameron isn't in the mood.

"If you say 'or nah' one more time Nash I will rip your tongue out so you can't click it anymore." Cameron says in a calm voice, still looking at Madilyn and Shawn. He couldn't help but find it adorable how Madilyn was practically screeching at the puppies in the windows. But he also couldn't help but hate how Shawn was staring at her like she was the most beautiful thing on the planet. I'm supposed to look at her like that, Cameron thought, and just then he realized maybe it wasn't actually 'just a crush.'


so I asked you guys to comment which boy you want madilyn to kiss first, and I think the most comments were Shawn. And then it was Cam after Shawn. Hmmm ;)

For a quicker update comment and tell me which celebrity I should have play as Madilyn? She has to have long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes! Or you can just comment to make me smile :)

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