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AN: Im just gonna clear this up real quick: Brooke and Ashton are not related. I made their dads have the same name so it could really show how much theyre lives arent that different from each other. I guess its just one big coincidence haha :)


By now, both Ashton and I were all sobbered up as we walked in dead silence into the alley way to the gate of his apartment complex. Luke had driven us back to Michael's house, where we picked up our car and drove back here. It was the most akward, quiet, and desperately saddening drive I've ever had with Ashton. He didn't look at me, yet I couldn't stop myself from staring at him as we drove and as we walked down the 2nd floor to B34. His hands lightly brushed against mine, and he kept his gaze on the ground.

Honestly, I don't know what's gotten into him tonight. He was so bright and cheery this afternoon, but something is definitely on his mind. I want to ask him, I want to make sure he's alright, but unfortuneately, I feel like I shouldn't push any questions to him right now.

"Gram asleep?" I asked as Ashton rumaged through his pocket for the key.

"Probably, I mean unless she's out clubbing." He replied, jamming the key into the slot. I could sense the jokefullness in his voice, but even I didn't buy it.

Something was wrong, and it made my heart ache to not know what it was.

We walked into the dark apartment, and I flicked on the lights as Ashton tossed the key onto the counter. "Are you spending the night Lovey." He asked, yet there was no question in his tired voice. He turned to face me, rubbing his eyes.

"Of course I am," I replied quietly. Ashton nodded, his dimples only making a short appearance before disappearing as Ashton turned around and stalked towards the bedroom. I followed, my mind still whirling.

After Ashton and I changed into more comfortable clothing, I was laying down on his bed, watching him as he brushed his teeth and took his contacts out. I smiled to myself as Ashton was leaning forward against the counter, his fingers up to his eyes and his mouth open in concentration. He didn't bother putting on his glasses as he came back into the room. I sat up, patting the spot across from me for him to sit down. Ashton settled down on the bed, putting his back up against the window. By now, the cresent moon was out in the clear sky, casting a pale glow over the white sheets we sat on. Ashton's eyes seemed to be glued to his hands that were neatly folded in his lap, and it wasn't until I leaned forward and ran my hand through his soft hair that he looked up to meet my gaze.

"Hi." He said quietly. As much as I wanted to give Ashton space, I couldn't help myself from talking.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes." Ashton replied bluntly, his eyes going back to his hands. I took a soft breath and let my mind wonder for a couple seconds. I knew way better than to believe that.

"Ashton." I said. No answer. "Ashton," I said again, a little more sternly. "Come on."

Ashton was silent. It was a weird kind of silent, and it was almost a little frightening to me to see him so lifeless and still. It was as if so many thoughts were running through that mind of his, yet the only strength he could find was to just sit there. Sit there in silence, and not say anything.

Finally, though, after minutes of that dreadful quietness, he spoke up.

"He hurt you." Ashton said. He looked back up to me, and his eyes were glossy. I felt my tense muscles relax a little at the fact that he was atleast talking to me.

"It wasn't that big of a deal," I tried to assure him. Ashton just shook his head and inhaled a deep breath.

"Yes it was." He muttered. I saw his jawline tense up as his eyes wandered to the ceiling. Was he tryng to hold back tears?

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