18: Love is selfless.

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Fatima's P.O.V
I kept banging the door nonstop. I have never been this scared before. I couldn't endure the thought of losing Ammar.

Help, please help. *I called and I heard someone kicking the door from outside.

Move back please. *I heard Aslam's voice.

I moved some few steps back, tears rolling down my pale face. Ammar was still short of breath, he was fighting for his life.

Aslam managed to break down the door. Yesmeen quickly moved over and enveloped me in a bear hug. She hugged me so tight that I almost couldn't breath. I had to pull back a little before she let go.

Are you okay? *They asked in unison.

Ammar, Ammar, Ammar. *That was all I could utter, pointing my fingers in his direction. Tears still rushing down my cheeks.

Subhanallah *Aslam uttered as we all hurried to where Ammar was lying almost lifeless.

Ammar please don't leave me. Aslam please do something. I will never be able to forgive myself if Ammar leave us like this. *I cried

Aslam do something, please do something.

Aslam flinched as if he was lost in his thoughts and something break through to bring him back to reality.

His car remote key, where is it? *Aslam asked as he began searching Ammar's pocket.

He found it and rushed out without uttering a word. Yesmeen hugged me, patting me gently in the back.

Fatima calm down please, he will be fine.

Aslam came back minutes after with Ammar's inhaler. He placed it close to Ammar's mouth pressing it gently as Ammar try hard to inhale.

Aslam it's not working, we have to move him to the hospital right away. His condition is becoming critical. *Said Yesmeen.

Aslam helped Ammar to get up, wrapping one of Ammar's arm around him and moving him to the car. Yesmeen and I trailed behind.
He managed to rest Ammar in the back seat while we both got into the car. I sat in the back to watch over Ammar while Yesmeen sat in the front.

The 5 minutes ride to the hospital felt as if it was a 10 hours ride to me.
We arrived at the hospital in no time and alerted the nurses for an emergency. We ran after the nurses as Ammar was pushed on a stretcher to the emergency room. The nurses got him inside the emergency room while we were stopped by the entrance.

I cried inaudibly as I slowly fell down on my knees.

Save Ammar's life Ya Allah. Don't take him away from me.

Yesmeen grasped me, pulling me up. She embraced me in a warm hug and kept repeating the words;

He will be fine.

Aslam kept staring at me speechless. He didn't comfort me nor did he cry with me. He was just staring ferociously.

30 minutes later, the doctor came out of the emergency room. We all rushed towards him.

Doctor, how is he? Is he okay? Did he fall asleep? Is he awake? *I began asking nonstop.

Calm down young lady, he is out of danger. He will be taken out of the emergency room in 5 hours. He needs rest. *The doctor informed.

Thank you Allah. *I heaved a sigh of relieve.

Yesmeen take Fatima to the hostel. You two should rest before then. I will inform you when he is out. *Aslam said.

Fatima let's go. *Yesmeen grasped my hand.

No, I am fine. I will just wait here.

Fatima don't be stubborn please. Go back to the hostel, eat, change and rest as well. Yesmeen please take her, you can use my car. *Aslam passed the key.

We will use the cab. *Yesmeen declined.

Fine, I will see you off . *Aslam uttered as we moved towards the exit.

Going back to the hostel wasn't my choice at all. If they would let me, then I don't mind staying until Ammar regains his consciousness.

Safina's P.O.V
Whaattt? You mean you locked both of them? Why? What was Ammar doing there? *I yelled.

I don't know about that ma'am. I saw him parked his car and followed her inside. I just heard he is in the hospital right now, he had an asthmatic attack. He is still unconscious. *The security I paid to lock Fatima said.

What the hell. How could you be so careless. I personally paid you to lock Fatima, not Ammar. And now he is like this because of your negligence.

I'm very sorry ma'am.

Just pray that nothing serious happens to him. If not, you will have to pay for your crime. *I uttered before hanging up the call.

What have I done? What if something happens to Ammar? What is the use of my pranks when I always end up hurting Ammar? I thought.

Yesmeen's P.O.V
It has been 3 hours since we were back to the hostel. Fatima refused to eat anything. She managed to take a bath but she is still refusing food.

I have tried all I could to make her eat something but she is still refusing. I wanted to ask her how she ended up in the abandoned library with Ammar but I just don't think it's the right time because she still isn't herself.

She has completely lost her mind. Her tears, her words, her pain, her sorrow, her agony, everything she was going through made me think of Aslam's fate.

I can already sense her love for Ammar. What if she ends up choosing Ammar, what will happen to Aslam? I was scared.

Being madly in love with Aslam didn't make me selfish. I wanted him to be happy, even if I am not the reason for his happiness.

Ya Allah, the king of all kings, the most beneficent, the most merciful. I raise my hands up to you as you are the only one that can make things right. Bring happiness into Aslam and Fatima's life. If they are meant for each other, help them find a way to be together and if Fatima is not destined to be with Aslam, give him the patience to accept his fate ya azizu ya jabbar. *I prayed.

Aslam's P.O.V
Get us his medical records, we need to look into them. *Ammar's doctor informed.

Thank you doctor, I will get them right away.

Back to our apartment, I quickly took a shower and changed into a white thawb (jalabiyyah). I hurried to Ammar's room and began searching for the folder he keeps his medical records.

I found it later in his bedside drawer after rummaging all the drawers in his room. I opened the folder, picked up his medical record and just as I was putting the folder back, an envelope fell.

End of Chapter.

Hello everyone, sorry for the delayed update. I was sick lately but Alhamdulillah I am getting better now.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, even though it breaks my heart watching Fatima falling for Ammar because I belong to #TeamAslam😂😝

What is in the envelope?
Is Ammar's secret about to be exposed?
Find out in Rays of love💕

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Teemah Shawai❣

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