Chapter 8

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I rubbed my eyes in tiredness and walked down the stairs to see some of the guys in the lobby along with Micah and Clyde. I searched around to see there was no sigh of Benny.

"Where's Benny" I shouted looking around the room worried.

"Randy decided to take him for the day. Chill out" Gabe came up to me. "Sorry. I just thought he would be with Clyde" I apologized.

A laugh came from the other side of the room. "I thought the same thing but I think he forgot out me" Clyde laughed and I shook my head.

I looked around to see the guys dressed up. "Where you guys going" I asked.

"We're going to do some grocery shopping. You look like you haven't slept in years so you're going to stay home and watch Clyde" James voice came into the room. I turned to see he was walking down the stairs.

He then stopped in front of me with a frown, "Why have you not been sleeping" he asked

"It's just the effects" Micah answered for me. James turned his head and stared at him for a few before looking at me. "Just go" I huffed. He reluctantly listened and they all started to head out. Now it was just Clyde, Micah and I once again.

I walked into the living room and crashed on the couch. "You need to sleep" Micah stated as he walked into the room.

"He's right. You look like you're going to drop any moment" Clyde's voice came behind him. I looked up and stared at the both of them.

"No shit" I rolled my eyes.

Clyde smiled, "Speaking of shit, lover boy is coming back today" he was referring to Lucifer. I shook my head, "It's 3 days which would be tomorrow" I clarified.

"Nope. It's Monday, then Tuesday and today is Wednesday" he pointed out. I took a second to figure out he was right. I let out a groan and got up.

"Where you going" he asked standing in front off me.

"To get a drink" I rose my eyebrow.

He shook his head and walked off into the lobby where the mini bar was.

"Hey, do you mind if I play music" Clyde asked and I shook my head. "No I don't mind. The speaker is wireless so just get the password" I pointed to the speaker next to the t.v. He thanked me and walked over to the t.v and I started walking to the bar.

"So what do you like to do on your free time" I asked as I walked behind the counter and made myself a drink.

He shrugged from his seat, "Nothing much. Just read, party here and there. The usual" he stated.

Before I could reply, music filled the house and Wake Me Up by Avicii.

Clyde walked into the lobby with a grin on his face. "Dude, your surround speakers are amazing" he shouted over the loud music.

I smiled and nodded my head, "I know" I shouted back before taking a sip on my drink. The drink was then taken away from my hand and I turned to see Micah placing it down on the counter. Before I could say anything, he took my hand and dragged me around the counter so we were now in the center off the lobby.

"What are we doing" I shouted over the music.

"Dancing. Duhh" Clyde shouted behind me. I turned to see he was just grooving to the music. I chuckled at the way he looked but he didn't care. He was just enjoying himself. A hand grabbed mine and spun me around then stopped. I turned to see Micah smiling.

"Come on" he danced to the music. I huffed in defeat and slowly danced to the music.

Clyde then spun me around and I used my powers to mentally turn up the music. We soon started jumping around and wildly dancing. Clyde and I were now on the mini bar counter dancing and Micah was on the ground laughing and dancing. Clyde then leaped off the counter and landed on his feet.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now