Chapter 31

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Skylar's P.O.V

"How's it going?" James voice came from the other side of the phone. I shrugged knowing he couldn't see me. "We will be back home in 2 days. We can come now if you want," he offered. I shook my head, "No. I want you to stay until it's time to come over here. I'm fine. Don't worry about me," I forced my voice to be a bit happy.

There was a moment of silence before something in the background made a shattering sound. "I have to go before they trash the hotel room like a bunch of twats. Call me if you need to talk about anything. We'll be back before you know it. Love you sis," he quickly spoke.

"Love you too," I quickly replied before the line went dead. I let out a sigh before locking my phone and shoving it in my pocket. I looked outside my window to see it was a nice breezy day. It was perfect for riding my bike.

I walked into my closet and hopped into my biker's jacket and black boots. I opened another closet door which stored some of the bikers gear. I took out a helmet and gloves. I slipped on the gloves and held my helmet in my right hand as I headed downstairs.

Walking down the stairs, I saw Lucifer sitting by the bar holding his phone to his ear. He seemed to had since I was in the room because in a swift move, he had turned on his seat and was now staring at me. I saw how tensed he was and beyond mad most likely from the phone call.

"No. Just pass it on to Kirkham. He knows what to do. Just listen to him," he spoke in a firm tone. I stared at him waiting to explain what I was just going to drive around for a few. If I just left, it would just cause more problems and I would be tracked down again.

"Give him the phone then," his voice rose a bit. After a few seconds he let out a sigh and nodded towards me to speak. "I just want to go out for a ride. I wouldn't try to run or -"

"Just go. Be at TGI Friday in an hour," he cut me off before turning back around. I felt a it hurt as how he had turned his back on me and cut me off. I don't know why but my feels were coming back. This whole journey has been one hell of a confusing and fucked up situation.

I turned on my heels and headed to the kitchen. I walked in and opened to side door which lead into the garage. I walked over to the lobby and took the elevator to the bottom floor where the bikes were. I walked out and made my way to my bike. Hopping on it, I put on my helmet and started it up. I drove up to the closed garage door which cause the sensor automatically open it. I drove off the property and speeded down the street. (Bike below)

Speeding down the street, I couldn't help but feel a bit free

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Speeding down the street, I couldn't help but feel a bit free. I made a right turn and moments later ended up on the highway. I drove pass cars and speeded down the highway. I slowed down and headed to the nearest ground mall. I looked around to see a bunch of bikers in the distance. I literally forgot this place was crawling with bikers on a Friday. Deciding I don't want to be part of the group, I looked for some parking far away from the group but there was none.

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