12 Months To A Better You

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A/N: I know it's already late January, but you can still try to do these because it's worth it.


January: Drink more water
•water keeps you full so you'll eat less and it also flushes out toxins. try to drink eight 8-ounce cups a day

February: Make breakfast a priority
•make sure to eat breakfast every day. keep it simple with whole grain cereal and low fat milk, or whole wheat toast with low fat yogurt

March: Get more sleep
•getting enough sleep will help your body fight off diseases and will lower your risk of getting heart disease or diabetes when you're older. try to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night

April: Keep a food journal
•keeping track of your intake makes you aware of what you're eating and identifies food habits and where you can make healthy changes

May: Go for a walk
•walking is free, easy and you can do it anywhere. find a trail nearby and look at nature while you walk, it's peaceful and fulfilling & will make you feel great

June: Eat your fruits and veggies
•you'll have an easier time maintaining your healthy weight & working out if you eat enough of these foods. fill half of your plate with fruits and veggies

July: Downsize your plates
•your eyes can sometimes be too big for your stomach. eat off smaller plates and it'll help you eat less

August: Go meatless
•you don't have to go without meat altogether, but maybe plan one meal a week or one day a week where you go without meat

September: Find a workout buddy
•working out with a friend may increase your motivation. it makes workouts more fun and will help you stay on track

October: Savor your meals
•it takes 20 minutes for your brain to send a message to your stomach that you're full. perfect the method of slow eating. it helps you eat less while still being satisfied

November: Unplug & unwind
•plan for a period of time every week where you go completely without technology. this could be a couple hours every sunday, or anything. use this time to unwind and get things done

December: Don't skip meals
•don't let your social calendar ruin your efforts. you may be tempted to skip lunch to save room for party food, but it'll backfire. skipping meals leads to extreme hunger, causing you to overeat

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I love you all to pluto and back!

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