Chapter 1: My Love

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Edwin P.O.V.

"That song was amazing Ari!" Edwin whispered in awe. After hearing the sneak peek of her new song, Edwin was surprised this talented woman was his. Ariana giggled, her brown eyes twinkling with happiness. She was so in love, meeting Edwin was the best thing to have ever happened to her.

"Awe Eddy, thank you!" She squealed, sitting up straighter in her chair. She tilted her head slightly to the left, something she did when she was hesitating.

"Edwin I have to tell you something.." Ariana muttered,sounding uncertain. She bit her lip as she twirled her newly dyed brown hair between her long elegant fingers.

"What is it ?" Edwin questioned, looking at her worried, his own mocha brown eyes shinning with uncertainty. He wasn't sure what could have caused her to be this nervous. Normally Ariana wasn't nervous when telling him, well, anything.

"Well wake up!" Ari spoke finally, after a moment of silence.

"What?" Edwin asked, looking confused. What was she talking about, he was awake.

She repeated what she had said again, only louder. "I said WAKE UP !"

With a jump, I jolted awake from that wonderful dream. Sighing I mumbled to myself. "I wish it were real.." If only Ariana could actually be mine.

"Stop moping and get up. We have school today!" Cece exclaimed, skipping into my room, looking excited. Why you ask? I wouldn't know, it was the first day of school and she unlike the rest of the teenage population, liked school.

Groaning, I let myself flop back down onto my bed. Dreading the idea of even having to enter a school building.

Cece was tall, like really tall. She had deep brown eyes that seemed to be always shinning with happiness. She also had a nice smile. Her hair was really kinky and curly, so she kept them in braids most of the time. Today she had it up in a high bun.

"EDWIN!" She yelled, snapping her fingers in my face. "Stop pretend sleeping and get your butt ready. We only have 29 minutes until school starts. Also, your mom made bacon!" She then turned around and began to walk out my door. Most likely she was going to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, sitting up once again. She acted as if this was her house. I stopped thinking about her invasion of my home when I realized that she probably was going to eat the bacon my mom made.

That thought had me jumping out of bed and into my bathroom. Almost tripping in the process. I got ready as quickly as I could. As I pulled on my dark blue navy jeans I heard Cece yell, "15 minutes!" Rushing even more than before, I ran down the stairs with my bag in one hand and my t-shirt in the other.

Nothing to get you going like the thought of someone else eating your breakfast, am I right?

Cece pretended to gag, before proceeding to insult me as she does. "Please! Spare me that disgusting view. Dude, I can't just throw up the delicious bacon your mom just made!" Cece spoke, looking revolted. I just rolled my eyes, being used to her mean humor.

"Oh be quiet, I see you everyday and I still manage to keep my food down, don't I ?" I said laughing to myself. Dropping my bag on the floor and putting on my shirt.

She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your so mean to me.." she whined, grabbing yet another piece of bacon."Why are we even friends?"

"Because I'm awesome and no one else likes you?" I replied, sitting next to her and grabing a plate to put my breakfast on. I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. I didn't even have to look up to know it was my identical twin brother Edmund.

"Hey, nerd!" He said to Cece, before turning to me.

"Sup bro?"He gave me a slight nod as a greeting.

"Be quiet. I am not a nerd,I'm just smarter then you." Cece replied with a roll of her eyes, munching on her bacon strip.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe." Edmund replied smirking, he knew how much Cece hated his pet names. She had this thing with nicknames and such. She thought they were weird and annoying.

Strange isn't she?

"My name is Cece. Just Cece!" She emphasized on her name. "How many times do I have to tell you that!" She glared, easily letting my brother rile her up.

"Five minutes kids, you better hurry or you'll be late!" My mom explained, not even acknowledging their little spectacle. Before handing us our lunches and the car keys, while giving us each kisses goodbye on the cheek.

"Bye mom, love you!" Me and Edmund replied in sync, while walking out the door. Of course not before snatching an extra piece of bacon from the plate.

"Bye Mrs. White. Have a nice day!" Cece said while running to catch up to us, her bag flapping in the wind behind her.

"Bye kids!" My mom called out to us. "Remember text me when you get to school. Drive safe!" She waved goodbye, as she stood from the front door to watch us go.

"Welp! Off to school we go! Yay!" Cece squealed in the back seat of the car. Me and Edmund simply look at each other and shook our heads. This girl was strange.

"First day of school here we come." I put the key in the ignition. "Yay! Not.." I muttered under my breath as I began to pull out the drive way.


A/N: kk so this is my first chapter I hope u like ittttttt! Plz vote and comment what you think? Yes no maybe! Anyway, I hope u like it Eddy! Sorry for it being kinda short ill try and make them longer hehe

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