Chapter 5: Wait... What Just Happened ?

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Edwin's POV

Her laugh was so beautiful.

I sighed, I've never felt so outcasted by my own friends before. Frowning to myself I muttered under my breath. "I don't like this feeling."

They were all giving her their full attention, she smiled and laughed. Safe to say that she was like a living breathing star.

Figuratively and literally.

"And then Justin looked so embarrassed, he looked redder than a hot chili pepper!" She made erratic hand jesters while she explained the story of the time she and Justin Bieber, yes THE Justin Bieber, had tried to prank her brother. But it was safe to say it ended with Justin wet and his pants at his knees- which were Flappy Bird themed, too- everyone seemed to have exploded to laughter when she mentioned that.

Ariana's smile slowly melted into a frown. "I hope it dosen't seem like I'm bragging or anything." She spoke quietly, her voice a lot softer then before. "Some people seem to take it that way and I don't want you guys to think I'm stuck up or anything." She told us biting her lips with a nervous look in her eyes.

They looked at her, blinked, lime they were in shock. Turned to look at each other and simultaneously replied. "Of course not, we were enjoying that story!" They said it at the same time and in perfect sync that it scared the life out of me.

"What the..." I mumbled, feeling a bit creeped out.

As Ariana continued on to tell her story, smiling once more. I frowned and sighed getting up from the table and walked out of the cafeteria feeling, and most likely looking, dejected.

Ariana's POV

I was having so much fun! I didn't know that when I was coming here I was going to meet such amazing people. I turned to ask Edwin a question only to notice that he was gone.

I looked around the cafeteria, luckily I was able to catch a glimpse of him leaving. I frowned, he looked really upset, I hope I didn't do anything to make him uncomfortable. Worried that I had, I decided to follow him to see where he was going.

I was following him in, what I thought was a quiet and sneaky manner, but high heels arn't very quiet. Which I discovered when he turned around and leaned agianst a near by locker raising an eyebrow. "Are you done trying to spy on me?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"" I mumbled looking sheepish.

Curse my beautiful high heels. They do pull this outfit together though...

"Embarrassed of getting caught 'spying' on me?" He said his eyes shining with amusement.

Finally finding my voice I raised an eyebrow and said. " Pulezee, I wasn't spying on you!" I tried, and failed, to convince him. "Don't be silly, I was just following you to see what was wrong, you looked upset when you left." I frowned looking at the ground.

I looked up again in time to catch a glimpse of his expression, his eyebrows shot up.

"Yea..." He scratched the back of his head, looking at the ground uncertainly. "I just felt a little... discarded? From my friends, you know they were in awe of being in the presence of a star that they forgot to include me. I guess..."

My eyes widened at that, I took a couple steps closer to him. " I'm so sorry.. I really didn't mean to drive you and your friends apart.....I was just.... I-I.. I'm sorry." I whispered, frowning at the ground once again.

Next thing I know I'm was pushed up agianst a locker with Edwin holding my chin, he softly pulled it up so I was looking at him.

He whispered, his voice soft, "You don't need to apologize, I'm just not used to not being the center of attention." He smirked, and he stared my straight in the eyes, I was mesmerized.

The bell rang and then he was gone with one last smirk thrown over his shoulder at me.

"Umm could you please move off my locker ?" A short freshman asked my shyly, snapping me back to the real world.

"Yea, sorry. " I smiled and walked away only to stop in my tracks.

What just happened?


* Welp did you likkkke it? I hope you did!!!!!! I think this is my best chapter so far, sorry if their are any mistakes cause this is sooooo uneditied anyway yea!

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