Chapter 14: Deadly Drama ?

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Ariana's POV

Me and Edwin sat there in silence, after I just told him; it didn't surprise me.

"Edwin, I need you to go," I spoke quietly after a long silence. There was a pause, before I heard the ruffling of Edwin's clothes as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in.

"Bye." He whispered before he walked out and, closed the door quietly.

As soon as I was sure that Edwin was gone I sat up. Sighing I grabbed my phone from the table next to the hospital bed. Looking down at my phone, it was 3:45 in the afternoon. "He'll be here soon." I gulped, I didn't have the energy to deal with this.

It was now 4:00, and I was worried. I had finished my afternoon snack, when the doctor came in.

"Hello, Miss Grande," He smiled at me, I returned it shyly. "We are glad to let you know that you will be able to leave tomorrow afternoon after a few check ups." He said.

I grinned. "Ok, thanks doc!" I was finally getting out of this place. The doctor soon left after checking some hospital-ly stuff.

It was now 4:20 and He still hasn't come, I'm worried now, He never skips a visit. He would never miss a chance to remind me of the hold he has on me. I gulped, "Edwin!"

Edwin's POV

After leaving the hospital, I drove to my house. I had to find out what that letter said.

I clutched my chest, it physically hurt to think about what happened at the hospital. Ariana's voice was filled with despair and utter paranoia.

It scared me, the only thing I needed to do was get home as soon as possible and read that letter. With that thought I sped home, completely unaware of the car that was following me or the driver who was glaring at me with complete and utter hatred in their eyes.

(A/N : heyyyyyy yea I know short butttttttt I updated sorry for not being able to last weekend soooo much work so I'm trying to update this one and as soon as this up I'm going to be working on anothe chappie it will be up by Saturday.)





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