Chapter 13 : Confusion and Shock

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Edwin's POV

She just dropped. Neither of us saw it coming, she had just been talking to Cece when she, out of the blue, fainted. That didn't matter though, as soon as she feel I was off like a bullet.

"ARIANA!" I screamed, fear filling my voice. I was terrified of what could happen. I looked at Cece, "What happened?! What did you say?!" I was frantic, throwing question after question at her.

Cece looked shaken, "I-I don't know I was just....Edwin enough we need to get her to a hospital!" She said, her voice raising with each word.

We all got in Cece's car and speed off to the hospital, breaking every speed limit.

*************At Hospital************

Me and Cece sat anxiously in the waiting room, waiting for the Doctor to come and explain what was wrong.

"Ariana Grande?" A low voice called. I turned to look at him, "That's us." Me and Cece both stood up and walked toward him.

His expression was stone cold, "Ariana is doing well there were no brain damage caused by the fall, but I suggest you keep her calm and relaxed because her stress levels are extremely high." He explains to us sternly, "Also no intense physical activates at all, and I repeat at all!"

I nodded," We understand, sir. Can I go see her?" I was nervous to what her reaction would be if I walked in there. The Doctor nodded. I took a deep breath and walked down the hall to Ariana's room.

Tentatively I knocked on the door, faintly I hear a 'Come in' , so I entered.

It was a typical hospital room white, extremely clean and it smelt funny. There where flowers on a table beside her bed and a window facing her left.

Slowly I walked in, "Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked her as I sat in the chair on the right side of her bed.

She looked at me strangely and shrugged. We sat in silence, I noticed how different she looked. She had dark circles under her eyes that could rival a panda's. Her hair looked less smooth and shiny and more like a mop of frizz.

"I know that you don't exactly want to talk to me right now but I have something extremely important to tell you." She spoke quietly, not looking at me. I was curious to know what she wanted to tell me. "What is it?" I questioned leaning forward on my forearms.

She snapped her head towards me, her eyes wide. "I can't tell you here," She looked terrified. "He's always watching. I want you to listen and listen carefully." She leaned forward and whispers something that shocked me.

"Under your bed is a letter, don't wonder how I put it there, just go find it and read it." Tears started to form in her eyes. "Jay is watching me Eddy, I'm sorry." With that Ariana laid back down in the hospital bed and faced the window.


A/N: heyyyyyyyyyyy sorry for the long wait I assure u I haven't abounded u all just trying to improve my writing I'm thinking of changing the plot a little but yea I've been reading the book and adjusting acorddenly sorry for missing my last updates. I've been really busy with school, so many assignments and homework gosh I have to study for two test both next week and OMG right after each other and a basketball game Monday night, then science test on tTuesday then math test on Wednesday. Lol sorry for whining but yea hope u enjoy.




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