Chapter 30: Confessions Are Made

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Ariana's POV

Edwin and I sat in silence for a couple of minutes, after telling him about my dark past I think its a good thing not to talk about anything. That's not the only reason though, I feel as though he has something he needs to tell me, something big.

Something that might ruin our friendship or relationship; whatever we are, I'm not sure what we were at this point and time.

"Ari?" Edwin's soft voice distrups the silence we're in. I look to my right, and look at him with a curious expression on my face.

"Yeah ?" I reply.

He takes a deep breath and looks incredibly nervous. Like he's about to throw up.

"I need to. . .talk to you about something ?" Not only did he look nervous he even sounded nervous.

I was a bit apprehensive about what he was going to tell me but he listened to me when I had something to get off my chest, I at least could do the same."What is it?" I asked, feeling a bit scared.

He gulped. "Before I tell you I want you to know that it has nothing to do with you or your past, ok?" Once he said that my heart sunk. Feeling incapable to say anything I just nodded.

Edwin took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. "I know before the Jay incident we were in some kind of relationship/friendship type thing." He sighed looking away from his hands at back at me. "But while you were gone, I came to a realization."

My heart dropped once again, my hands felt sweaty and my stomach had a million butterflies flying around inside it.

Edwin continued to speak. "I realized. . .that my feelings for you weren't the same as they used to be."

With those few words Edwin White completely and utterly broke my heart. "What?" It came out as a whisper, I honestly couldn't believe it. After all we've been through this is how it was going to end?

"Ari please, I realized this a while ago," I flinched when he said that. He must have noticed because he started rambling like he didn't know how to console me. "No! I didn't mean it like that. I-I meant to say that I don't not love you because of what you told me, I figured it out when you were gone. I-I mean w-wait that came out wrong. I -"

I cut him off. "I don't care." I said it coldly and firmly, it sounded convincing but it was a lie. I did care, more than I wanted to. Edwin destroyed my heart and it hurt.

A lot.

I stood up and walked away. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help but wish he called me back, or at least tried to make me come back. He didn't, and I should've know better.

As I got farther and farther away from Edwin and the Park, tears slowly started to run down my face. It shouldn't hurt as much as it does, but it did.


"And then he-he just s-said he didn't l-love m-me anymore!" I wailed as I sat on my bed.

Sitting accros from me was Ane, I had left straight for home after my confession session with Edwin, but it turned out that he went back into Starbucks and told them what happend. Thank goodness he spared the deatils.

"Darling, I know right now it hurts but soon you'll see that what he did was better than what he could've done." Ane's soft voice comforted me.

"How could he have hurt me more than he already has?" I whispered looking down at my hands. I didnt know if it was physically possible but it felt like I had been crying ever since I left the Park.

Ane reached over and gave me a huge hug, it wasnt much but it helped. Even if it was just a little.

"He could have left you to believe that he loved you, and since you weren't in a solid relationship, if he found someone he did love than he would leave you broken hearted with no explanation. " Ane explained, I'm glad to have a friend like Ane. Some people would say she's not being sensitive to my situation. I would too if I didn't know her. She's telling me the truth instead of bad mouthing Edwin and telling me he was no good for me.

"But I still don't have one, not really." I replied, my crying had subdued but my voice was still wavered.

Ane just pulled me closer. "Its alright, you got to have the rain in order to have a rainbow." She spoke in a faux posh British accent.

I laughed for the first time since a couple of hours. "Ane don't try to be all philosophical with your stolen from tumblr quote." I grinned looking at her.

She blushed slightly before replying. "I try to console you and this is how you repay me?" She faked cried.

I was laughing pretty hard by now and soon Ane joined me. For the rest of that night it seemed as though the pain that came from tonight had gone away, as we continued to laugh and talk the night away.


A/N: holla! Hey guysssss sry for my TERRIBLE updateing schedule lol its not even a schedule anymore just random tbh but school work has been climbing up and its harder at the academic level because that means you have to focus even moreeeeeeee but hey its wateves...

Anywhoooo hope u enjoyed the chappie hope its not to short....







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