Chapter 24: I'm Coming Home

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Ariana's POV

I'm scared.

Really scared.

Today is the day that Jay said he would take me home. So, far the only thing he's done was come into the room and untie me.

Taking advantage of my newfound freedom, I paced the small room I was in.

I didn't believe that Jay was taking me home, I don't know why, but I just don't trust him. Who would, after what he's put me through.

The door creaked open and in walked a depressed looking Jay. He looked like he haven't bathed in days, he had a five o'clock shadow covering his chin and his hair looked as though he hadn't brushed it in days.

"Ready to go ?" He asked, his voice gruff and raspy. As though he hadn't talked for a few days.

I stopped pacing and nodded, "Yeah."

Jay looked at me curiously, "You think I'm not letting you leave, don't you?"

I gulped, "Well, you did kidnap me and threaten to kill someone. . ." I replied a bit nervously, how does one act around maniacs ?

He laughed, "That's true, but I promise I am taking you home." He looked sincere.

"No detours?" I asked, I wanted to make sure I would get home, safe and alive.

"No detours." He repeated, while looking me straight in the eyes.

"Do you promise?" I know his promises mean nothing, but I need as much comfort I could get.

He nodded, "I promise." He looked over his shoulder out the door, it was getting dark. "Now, come on, we have to leave now if we want to make it in time. "

I nodded, and walked out the door; into the car.

The whole ride was silent, a very uncomfortable silence. You can't really make small talk with your kidnapper.

"I know that you'll probably never forgive me, but I am really sorry for what I've done, to you and your. . .friends."

Honestly, I was tired of his apologizes. He can say them as much as he wants, I won't be forgiving him anytime soon, or later.

But, of course, I let him go on.

"I was just trying to love you, in the wrong way, but none the less trying to love you." Once Jay finished his speech, he looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

I didn't know what he wanted from me but he wasn't getting it.

I just nodded, "Ok."

That was our first and only conversation of the ride to my house.

After 7 hours of driving we reached my house. Surprisingly, there was a whole crowd of people out there waiting for me.

There were police surrounding my house, and standing at my front door were my parents and Frankie looking extremely worried.

I looked to my left at Jay curiously, "Did you do this?" I asked him, to my surprise he nodded.

"It's the least I could do, I may not want to stay in jail, but for your and your family's happiness I will." His voice didn't once flatter as he spoke, he was sure this was what he wanted.

I was speechless, because as much as I would like to say I didn't want him in jail, I did. If he wasn't I would always look over my shoulder when I walked down the street, wondering wether or not Jay would change his mind and come back to find me.

I didn't want that.

"Thanks, it means a lot," I chuckled slightly, "That probably isn't what you want to hear but thank you." I spoke quietly.

Reaching over to where Jay's hand rested, I grabbed it and squeezed it. That's when the police knocked on the car door and took him away.

"Goodbye Jay" I whispered to myself. I felt myself being hugged and comforted by my family.

But as I was being held I couldn't help but wonder, where was Eddy?


A/N : hope u enjoyed this chapter, the end is near. but Heyy it's life :)





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