Chapter 28: Feelings

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Edwin's POV

It's been a week since Ariana and I talked, she was avoiding me, I could tell.

I spent the past week trying to entertain myself, it just ended up with me watching Netflix while eating potato chips.

Groaning I sat up from my bed, "I need to find something to do." Walking out of my room I entered the kitchen, only to see my brother eating us out of house and home.

"Sup?" Edmund asked with a mouthful of bacon.

I rolled my eyes, "Didn't we go over this before? Swallow then speak." I walked to the fridge pulling it open, grabbing a bagel. "It's not that hard to remember."

Edmund stopped eating and gave me a blank look, "I am a hungry boy, ok? So let me eat in peace." He said looking at me angrily.

As I walked towards the toaster to toast my bagel, I heard him mumble something that sounded like, 'You nag more than mom, sheesh relax.'

Looking back over my shoulder I gave him my menacing glare. ''What was that?" I questioned, still glaring.

He just shook his head before replying. "Nothing. Anywho, what are you doing today? Watch Nextflix and eat chips?"

I frowned, "Not today, I think I might go to the Park." The Park was a Mall but with more nature. There where mini park's everywhere, so while you got your coffee at Starbucks you can enjoy the fresh green grass.

It was basically the construction workers that tear down parks and stuff to make Malls, apologizing.

Edmund got up and dumped his plate in the sink. "Cool, can I come?" He asked.

I nodded. "Sure."


We walked around the Park for a while, bought a couple video games.

"I'm hungry, lets go to the food court." Edmund whined.

I rolled my eyes shopping with him was like shopping with a five year old.

"Alright let's go." With that we started walking toward the food court.

"Coffee!" Edmund exclaimed, running toward a Starbucks.

He's a five year old in a 16 year old's body. I walked toward Starbucks at a normal pace, when I entered the shop I notice a familiar face. One I hadn't seen in a week.

"Ariana!" I called excitedly. Smiling I walked toward her, it was then I realized she wasn't alone.

Sitting across from her was a pretty red head, she had freckles and green eyes. "Hi, sorry to interrupt you guys.' I said sheepishly.

"It's alright Edwin, do you want to join us ?" Ariana asked me, she looked genuine.

I grinned, "Sure," Sliding into the seat next to Ariana, I turned to her friend. "Hi, my name is Edwin, yours?"

The redhead smiled timidly, "My name is Ane. Nice to meet you." She replied, her voice was soft.

"Sooo, what's up?" I asked, feeling kind of awkward.

They looked at each other and laughed a little. "What?" I looked at them, "What's so funny?"

Ane smiled, "You seem so uncomfortable, it's kind of cute." When she said that Ariana tensed up.

Uh oh she might still have feelings for me. Great.

Laughing to cover up my uncomfortableness, "Thanks ?" I smiled.

"Edwin! I brought you a coffee." Edmund excalimed as he walked toward me and the girls.

"Hey Ari, who's the friend?" He asked sitting next to Ane, while sliding me my coffee.

Ariana smiled, "This is Ane, she's my new friend."

Ane grinned and greeted him. They both seemed to like each other, because they were now in deep conversation about something random. Leaving me and Ariana in an awkward silence.

" Sooo, how you've been?' She asked me, clearly trying to make small talk.

I smiled, "Good, but uh," I stopped looking at Edmund and Ane talk, before turning to look in her direction. "We need to talk."

Ariana look confused, "If it's because of me ignoring you for the past few days, its fine I just needed time to think. I was actually going to call you later." She spoke, she sounded nervous.

I frowned, shaking my head. "It's not that, it's just. I have to tell you something extremely important." I said, deliberately being vague about what I needed to tell her.

She nodded, "Want to talk about it now?"

I said yes and stood up. "Hey guys me and Ari are gunna walk around for a while. Don't wait up." I told Edmund and Ane, both of them looked up from their conversation and nodded. They seemed to be hitting it off.

"Bye guys." Ariana replied before walking to stand next to me.

"After you." I spoke while swiping my hand in front of me.

Ariana smiled before saying a quiet thanks.

Here we go. . .



It was the first day of school so my updates will be a lot later or on the weekend if I'm not busy sorryyyyy.





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