Valentine's Special Part 2

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Edwin's POV

The Cab's La La La was playing in the background, couples danced to it. The Valentines dance was a success.

I looked at Ari, she was beautiful. Ever since her and Jay got back together things haven't been the same between us. It was like she was avoiding me.

"Stop staring at her Edwin you'll look like a creep!" Yebbi whisper yelled.

"I already do, so why not play the role?" I asked her. I felt depressed ever since that time I went to go talk to her in the library.

"She's changed, became like one of them 'The Pop Penguins' or as some people like to call them," Cece made quotation marks with her fingers. "Popular people" She made a disgusted sound.

I smiled she somehow always knew how to make me smile. Even when she didn't mean to, she's just always amusing.

I was walking to the snack table when someone punched me in the shoulder, not a mean punch but like a 'bro' punch. Speaking of bros, it happened to be mine. "Hey lil bro, what up?" Edmund asked,

"You know nothing much, you?" I relied half heartedly.

"Don't lie bro it's not a good, is it that Ariana girl?" He asked looking genuinely concerned. One thing about my brother he doesn't really like to show his emotion says he's a 'manly man' not a 'wuss'.

"You can tell that easily?" I asked, thinking I had been hiding my feelings well.

"Dude we shared a womb for 9 months if I didn't you should be worried." He told me. We both laughed at that. "But really what's wrong with you?"

"You see what happened was...." I explained the whole ordeal to him and he looked shocked at what had happened.

"Bro, I don't know what to say.." His expressions were all over the place. Anger, frustration, concerned and so much more.

"You need to fix this man." He said, I sighed.

"I know, ok? It's not as easy as you think it is." I frowned looking at the ground, I felt so confused. "It is though man. It is just do it." Edmund said patting me on the back, "Good luck bro your gonna need it." And turned around and disappeared into the crowd of dancing teenagers.

I was now standing in front of the make shift stage, I was searching the crowd for her. I was aware that people were glancing my way curiously, probably wondering what I was doing.

I saw her she was just standing in the corner by herself. "Perfect." I whispered to myself.

I grabbed a microphone and cleared my throat, "Um, can I have your attention please?" A couple of students looked my way but other then that nothing. "Um hello?" Still no one listened, finally I had enough. "YO, IM TRYING TO TALK SO LISTEN!"

Finally people started to listen, I smirked my inner sass king was coming out.

"Thank you, as you may have noticed I have an announcement to make.." I gulped. I could feel some sweat on my forhead. " I want to tell this special someone on this special day how I feel about her...." I locked eyes with Ariana, "Ari, can you come up please?" I know I sounded desperate but truth is, I was. She nodded, and was walking through the crowed towards me.

They were parting for her like the Moses and the Red Sea.

"Yes?" She asked looking at me confused.

"I wanted to tell you something important and I decided today, the day of love, that I would tell you how I felt." I took a deep breath, Ariana's breathing turned slightly shallow.

"Ariana...... I-i love you, so much and I don't need you to tell me that you love me too. Just please don't cut me out of your life, because frankly I need you. So could you find it in your heart to let me in, please?" I asked her, I felt so heartbroken asking for this because this wasn't what I wanted, but if this is what she can give me then I'm down with that, at least I think I am.

The crowd was silent, everyone was waiting for her answer. She looked at me her beautiful eyes glittering with some unknown emotion, "Okay." She whispered so low I almost didn't catch it. I grinned so big I thought my face would fall off.

I hugged her, " Thank you!" I whispered in her ear, she smiled.

The crowed cheered and the rest of the night was a huge celebration.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Here is your valentines special, and if I decide to upload the other one at least the happy version. lol but this is important to the story it like a small glimpse into the future, of the story anywho happy V-Day and buy Cinnabons and don't forget to wear green!!!!! lol


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