Chapter 6: What Now ?

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Edwin's POV

"Stupid....stupid....stupid...'' I kept mumbling to myself. In case you didn't know I had just humiliated myself in front of the love of my life, how?

I tried to woo her.

A face palm is in need here. She probably doesn't even want to talk to me now, especially since I was acting like a three year old who doesn't have its moms attention.

"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Cece said, leaning against my bathroom door, looking at me amused.

I turned around and looked at her. I must have looked pretty upset because she stopped smiling and took a step towards me and opened up her arms. "Are you ok?" she asked looking concerned.

"No." With that I gave her a big hug, cause I sure needed it.

--------------At School--------------------

Ever since I came to school the next day people had been staring at me and whispering. I frowned, "I know I'm handsome, but why is everyone looking at me?" I asked Yebbi.

"Umm well you see...umm" she looked scares and uncomfortable for some reason. Cece noticed this so she told me, and to be honest I was shocked and extremely hurt by what I heard.

"There's a rumor going around that, it wasn't just Hannah that ruined Ariana's relationship.. it was you too." Cece said looking at me blankly.

"What...wa-" I was shocked, but that wasn't the only shock I was about to receive. "You guys don't believe this do you?" I asked looking at my friends, they didn't say anything they just looked at me blankly like Cece had done.

Yebbi looked at me, "We don't know what to believe Eddy...I mean..we ju-" I cut her off looking offended, and feeling extremely hurt and betrayed.

"It's nice to know who my friends are." I snarled at them. With that final statement, I turned around and went to class.

It's lunch and I don't think I'll be able to take anymore nasty looks. I opened my locker to put my stuff away, only for a note to flutter to the ground. I frowned looking at it curiously. It said:

Meet me in the Library at lunch


I frowned why would she want to see me. I closed my locker, "Well only one way to find out.." I mumbled and headed towards the Library.


A/N: Mwahahahhhahha I did it again. I'm sorry but...... I don't do cliches (well I try not to) so whatever you expect STOP cause it won't happen na na na na an. Lol Im so cray! Have a nice day !

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