Chapter 17 : Sorting It Out ?

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Ariana's POV

I was walking towards the park, when I noticed someone standing underneath a large oak tree, and they looked oddly familiar but I continued on, shrugging it off as my paranoid mind.

I finally reached the middle of the park, where all the park benches were. Standing there I noticed Edwin sitting, and he looked a bit shaken and confused.

"Hey Edwin!" I called from where I was, when he didn't reply or even look up I walked towards him. Waving my hand in front of his face when I reached him.

"Helloooo?" I was confused as to why he didn't even move, it was though he was in shock. I jumped when his head suddenly snapped up, "We need to talk, and it has to be now."

I sat down next to him a bit confused, when I realized this isn't some normal day. He probably wanted to talk about my letter. Feeling nervous I said, "Ok, what do we need to talk about ?"

Edwin sighed, "About us, and what's going on between us." He looked towards the tree I waked past before. "Who has the information that could destroy your career ?" As he spoke he still stared at the tree.

I ran a shaky hand through my hair, "As you might have guessed, its Jay." I looked at him to see his expression. I wasn't shocked to see that he wasn't surprised.

He nodded, so I took that as a sign to continue talking. "As I have let the world know that Jay cheated on me and he was only with me for his band." My voice cracked while I spoke, it hurts to think about it even though I'm over him.

Edwin rested his hand on my back, slowly rubbing small soothing circles on my back. I looked down at my fingers as I folded them together then apart and again.

"Before that happened I used to believe that me and Jay were close, so I told him everything." I paused, sighing. "Even my deepest secrets, he never told me his. Which I just past as him having none, but I should have known better. Everyone is hiding something."

Edwin stopped rubbing my back, putting his hand back in his lap. I frown slightly it had made me feel warm and safe.

"I understand where your going but what could he have against you that could be that bad." Edwin questioned, he was very much confused. "Your basically and angel Ari, what could you have done that was that bad?"

I laughed darkly, "As much as I'd like to believe I'm innocent I'm not. Edwin I have a dark past, and to cover it up I wear cutesy outfits, act nice and sweet. Heck I even play roles of clueless adorable teenage girls." I was getting emotional, tears were starting to form in my eye.

"Edwin, the truth is I was a d-" I couldn't finish my sentence, the guy who was standing in the shadows of the big oak tree revealed himself.


Hey guys new chappie, hope u enjoy! Also if you read this book pleaseeeeeeeee go check out my new story, it's not a fanfic, In The Spotlight.!!! Pleasee! Anyway back to this, lol I worked pretty hard on this chapter and it was gunna be longer buttrttttttt I cut it in half and put the other half as the next chapter so u will have to wait to see who the mystery stalker is but I bet it's pretty obvs lol





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