Chapter 29: Stars Shine Bright Tonight

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{Sorry for the late update but since I'm back in school (already have two quizzes on Friday... one in gym? Like wat? -.-) but I will try to update ether before Friday or on the weekend! Enjoy! Also there might be some triggers her for self harmers or people who are depressed I'm not sure but I want to warn you is all. :)}

Edwin's POV

Me and Ariana walked towards the biggest park in Park. It was one of the most beautiful too, with its big white bird fountain in the middle, water spewing from a little stone birds nest in the middle of it, stone paths leading up to different parts of the Park, and the white stone benches that were placed somehow strategically and randomly around the park.

We continued to walk until we reached a park bench. We sat in silence for a while, just staring at the park around us.

I turned to my left and looked at Ariana, she was so beautiful. Her hair was blowing slightly in the wind, her skin looked flawless in the dark evening light. She was looking down at the ground, so her eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyes.

She was so beautiful, yet I couldn't love her. No matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn't. The heart what the heart wants, and my heart doesn't want Ariana. No matter how much my mind wanted her.

"I'm sorry." She spoke breaking the silent atmosphere that we had surrounding us.

I frowned, why could she possibly be apologizing for. If it was because of her ignoring me, I was over it. She just needed time, there was nothing wrong with that.

"For what?" I questioned, leaning my elbows on my knees, turning to look at her.

"For hurting you, for bringing this drama into your life. If I hadn't came here you would still be living your life, the way it was before." She spoke in a quiet voice, she sounded so upset it hurt me.

I reached my arm around her shoulder, pulling her to me in a side hug, with my chin resting on her head. "Don't be sorry, if it hadn't happened here something tells me that it would have happened somewhere else." I tried to assure her. "Jay is crazy, in ways me and you can't understand. If it wasn't you it would have been some other girl."

I felt her sigh heavily beside me, "You missed the Valentine's Dance because of me." She mumbled, nestling her head under my chin more.

I laughed, "It wasn't that impressive, Yebbi and Cece went they said it was like any other dance held in the school gym, but this time it was decorated in pink, red, and white. With a some hearts here and there." I explained to her.

She sat there for a while silently chuckling. We didn't talk for a while, leaving us in comfortable silence.

Ariana frowned slightly while frowning, before she began to speak. "You remember the time when I got. . kidnapped?" She stopped looking towards the sky and turned to me. "How I was about to tell you something before Jay interrupted our conversation?"

I nodded having recalled the memory in vivid detail, but who wouldn't ? Someone you love and care for being taken away from you in such a matter is pretty much unforgettable.

"Well, I want to tell you what I was trying to before, because for some reason I feel like we won't be talking in the future or at least for a while." She sighed deeply, looking me dead in the eyes.

I gulped feeling nervous, she didn't know how right she was.

"Okay, I'm listening." I replied in a quiet voice, feeling as though if I talked to loud I would disturb the peace we were surrounded in.

"As you know my parents are divorced, after 4 years of them being apart I've gotten used to it. It wasn't so easy before. When I was 15, around the time they got divorced, I fell into a deep depression. I didn't want to wake up in the mornings, I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to participate in life at all. And when my parents divorced, it all started pilling up, in my 15 year old brain I was convinced that I was the cause of the problems that made my parents divorce. I had no logic behind that thought but I believed it." Her voice started to waver, like she was on the verge of tears.

I reached over to her and rubbed soft comforting circles on her back, since she had scooted away from me before she started talking.

"Anyway, since I didn't have a healthy way to deal with my depression I turned to drugs. I knew it was bad and I knew it wasn't going to help me deal with the pain but, the feeling it gave me made me so happy that I couldn't stop. It made me feel wanted and loved, even if I already was I just wasn't aware of it.

"It was also around that time were I started acting, which added more stress to me, causing me to turn to drugs even more. Finally after almost 9 months on drugs my family caught on and told me I needed help, I didn't think I did, and you know what they say, you can't help those who won't help themselves. So, I continued to use and it was just a downward spiral after that. I started missing shoots, interviews stuff like that. It wasn't until my director for Victorious told me that if I didn't get help he would fire me, did it settle in that I had a serious problem." Ariana expression darkened, she didn't look like her normal bright cherry self, it scared me to think of what she had gone through.

"So, after that moment I got help and eventually I got off the drugs and have been clean for the past four years now." She started smiling, you could tell she was proud of herself. "I'm glad I did, because if I hadn't I'd think I'd be dead today."

I was shocked, this was not what I expected. What she had gone through, the feelings she felt. It didn't seem real. I knew one thing though, I couldn't tell her how I felt because if I did I had a feeling that I would cause another downward spiral. . .

"I didn't know Ari, but what I do know is that your strong, a lot more stronger than some people might think you are." I told her after a minute of me just staring at her in awe.

She smiled slightly, and looked back up at the now night sky. We had been there for a while. "The stars are shining bright this night." She spoke, her voice sounded bright, like a burden had been lifted.

"Yeah, they are." I replied.


A/N: Heyyy hope u enjoyed this chappie it's unedited for now I don't really like it but I wanted to give u guys something at least.





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