14. The Poisoned Truth

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We reached the village at evening and had our dinner prepared by aunt Grazilda. Aloki came holding Jessy in her arms.

"Jessy! Come here baby!" I held her in my arms and hugged her tight. "Did you miss me? Oh of course I know. Have you been naughty and you tired Aloki?"

"Oh no, Brazen. She was behaving while you were gone." Aloki gave a bottle of milk for me to let her sip it.

"Very good." I cradled her in my arms while she's drinking the bottle of milk. After a while, Jersey came near me and watches Jessy and me.

"How are you, Jessy. Do you still recognize me?" He holds her little head while watching her. "Let me hold her for a while. I have missed her too."

I carefully gave Jessy to Jersey while she empties her milk so I took the bottle from her to wash it. When I went back Jessy is already lying her head on Jersey's shoulders.

"She's already asleep. Let's take her to our room." I guided him to the stairs when Jen and the others noticed us.

"Who is that?" She quickly asked.

Catherine and Edward stepped forward giving me a separate baby boots that I recognized.

"Tha- that's-" I pointed at the boots they're holding.

"I found that one outside the house you worked for. This one I am holding was found by Jersey in an abandoned house we stayed." Edward took the boot Catherine was holding and gave it all to me. I was speechless while holding the pair of knitted boots.

"That's how you found me." I glanced at everyone and they gave me a short smile.

"Lucky it was us who found it, or else, the enemies were already here and wiped the village." Jersey stepped on the staircase to continue letting Jessy sleep.

"I have been careless. I thought I didn't let any clue for anyone to find me." I felt pathetic that I slapped my forehead.

"But you have been great. At first, Catherine and I were heartbroken and hopeless because you left no clue for us to find you but when I saw the boot, we were enlightened and understood why you did it. Atleast we knew you have escaped successfully." His voice was energetic and made me smile after a while.

"Ahmm, Blades? Jersey is the only person who knows you like you're his wife." Jen giggles satisfied with what she knows. "He knew you were in that house because he recognized the scent you left on the couch and on the boot."

Jersey turns around to look at Jen and frowned at her to shut up. I also laughed and continued walking towards my room. He carefully puts Jessy down the bed and pats her leg for her not to wake up.

"Wow, Jersey. From whom did you learn to babysit? Are you ready to become a father?" Kristine whispered loudly. We covered our mouth to silence our laugh and move out of the room.

"Of course I learned it from Blades. She's the one taking care of a baby so she's the only person I could learn that." We went down the stairs and gathered around the living room. Jasper came and joined us.

"Ate Czar has been taking good care of two babies during the time we were born. She was trained well inside and outside of the house." Catherine proudly said with a smile.

"Well, we are proud of you Jersey. You are the last child and yet you knew how to handle a baby before you become a father." Kristine pats Jersey's back. "But how did you learn is still the question!"

"Jersey frequently visited me during my stay with Jessy and they allowed him to do that as much as he wants. I tried to stop him but he was persistent so I told him to help me take care of her if he wants to continue doing this." I explained and they're all slowly nodding their heads.

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