18. Deadly Legacy

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The Arcane was established by Rhizome Lycoris in the fifteenth century. Every generation of his blood gave birth once and always a male successor. When Noreen was born, she was the first female successor. Her parents died early and she took the pressure of proving herself to be worthy.

Noreen Lycoris ruled the Arcane at the age of thirteen. She was the youngest person to rule and the first person to break the law as a successor. First, she got pregnant by an outsider, Romick. She doesn't want Arcane to be revealed so she kept it as a secret and never showed herself to him forever. She gave birth twice, Ron and Ren, they're identical twins. She loved them both so much that she couldn't choose which one will take over her. She never wanted her kids to compete but the elders and higher officials adviced her that a son is always the priority in leadership.

Ren and Ron grew up as good and respectful kids so when Ron was the one chosen, she never held any grudge to anyone. She gave support to her brother to help him from the burden.

Noreen, on her death bed, left her two kids with different gifts. She gave Ren a necklace with a heart pendant while Ron was given a ring with a knife symbol. Her last words were "love and protect each other. Be wise with a heart."

When the two grew up older, Ren married Kong Crimson while Ron married Fan Yui. Ren and Kong had a son, Stalwart Crimson. Ron and Fan had a son too, Diadem Lycoris. Ren and Kong was still alive when Diadem decided to divide and branch out the Arcane because of the growing population. Before the Crimsons left, they asked permission if they could create a different name as a sister of Arcane. Diadem gladly agreed. Ren has secretly discussed with Diadem before leaving.

"Diadem, my nephew, use this seal I made as a symbol of the Arcane successor. I had a bad dream. It felt very real to me." Her tears continuously flowed down her cheeks and Diadem was alarmed that her auntie isn't feeling fine.

"What is it? Tell me?"

"I had a dream that bothered me for so long. One day, one of your successors will fall. The Arcane will be ruined and ruled by the wrong hands. Use this seal I have made to show it as a proof that he/she is the righteous one to serve and lead the Arcane. The righteous one will restore back the pieces that has been broken. Keep this secret and never reveal it to any one ecxept from a real Lycoris. This is the seal of Lycoris."

"The seal of Lycoris?" He held the steel stamp on his palm and examined it. "How will I use this?"

"Let it burn on the fire and if it's already hot enough, brand it on the skin of the successor. Specially if it's still a baby. It's not as dangerous as the risk of Arcane falling apart. Remember my words, Diadem, tell this to your successor to only pass it's secret to the next successor. The Crimsons will be always here to help."


Mila closed the book and smiled infront of us. "That's the end of what's in this book. Ren made this book and never continued the chapters. It's our turn to open and continue the story."

"Ren's nightmare came true."

"The Arcane became our enemy."

"When I was born, they're already in war. I never knew we came from them."

"Does the seal of Lycoris still exists?"

"Let me continue the story without the book." Mila breathed deep and closed her eyes while crossing her fingers.


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