16. Tanaya Rave Storm

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"Wraaaaaaaa!" Her throat dries up after screaming a lot. She throws everything that she could touch and the cabin she's staying at is already scattered with broken pieces.

"Where are you?! Where are you?!!"

Tanaya clenched her both palms and stomped her left feet hard on the floor while pressing her eyes severely and her teeth gritted to each other.

"I hate you! All of you! I cursed you Blades and Prime! Wraaaaah!!!"

She punched her fist on the wall and banged her head continuously on the wooden table until she bled.

"You will die! You will die!" She wriggles on the ground while she touches her aching head wet with tears.

Who is she? She's crazy, right? She's no other than Tanaya Rave Storm, the only thing left from Alfon.

Alfon was an Arcane spy before he suddenly appeared in the settlement. Nobody knows him. Not even his wife, Beatrice. He pretended to be an orphan and a nurse in a hospital. He used to court a lot of ladies he suspects as a Barblood until Beatrice unfortunately fell in love with his pathetic charm. He's handsome but not charming if you knew how disgusting he really acts infront of anyone.

Beatrice isn't an assasin. Her father is a rich Barblood official and her specialty is becoming a nurse of the settlement. She went outside to study and purchase medicines and nursing knowledge. She persistently convinced her parents to let her marry Alfon and let him get inside of the settlement.

After a few days of their wedding, he wanders around the boundaries of the settlement. He wants to familiarize the place so he could send the map of the settlement with descriptions. But one day, he stumbled into a deep part where he found a cabin owned by a very beautiful woman older than him. She was called as Sorceress. She once lived near with the others but when Mister Nick Crimson's father, Stalwart, noticed her beauty and abilities as a healer and medicinal herbs, he asked her to become the Crimson witch doctor and a wife of his son.

Mister Crimson raged at his father and left the settlement to marry his partner who was higher in skills and training than him. Sorceress' beauty didn't work on Mister Crimson so she depressedly requested to give her a house far away with everyone and let her live in peace while making her medicines. She was very charming and yet, no one caught her attention. She is very choosy and feels that none of the men she met deserves her. She isolated herself.

When Alfon came infront of her house, she thought he came for medicines the couple requested. She was wrong. Alfon raped her and threatened that if she will talk, he will kill her. Sorceress was weak and haven't had enough knowledge to protect herself. If only she had chosen to live with the others, this will never happen to her.

She thought it would only happen once but she was wrong. The man frequently visits him every week until she realized she was pregnant. She gave birth into a lovely baby girl. "Your name will be Tanaya. You will be a good shaman if and only if your father will not poison your good heart and mind." She kissed the baby's forehead. That night after she gave birth, she took the baby with her including her valuable things and left the house to transfer in a deeper part of the forest.

Tanaya grew up as a sweet and pure hearted kid. She learned about making herbal medicines, aid wounds and sewing clothes. When she was seven years old, she met someone that ruined everything. Alfon found them and forced Sorceress to take her and Tanaya.

Tanaya's family is now complete. She became very happy at first until she found out how evil her father was. She found her mother lying on the floor with her eyes wide open. Sorceress was no longer breathing. There's blood on her forehead.

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