Chapter 4: Sleeves

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Chapter 4

*Zack's POV*

'Get her out of your head man,' I mentally screamed.

She had been around for less than a week and she was already messing with my head. It wasn't her fault, I guess. It was my fault for being such a hopeless romantic. Alex would never let any of us date his little sister, so what was the point? Jack must have been thinking the same thing. I saw the way he looked at her and it made me a little mad and a little sad. If Alex ever did let one of us date her, she would for sure pick Jack over me. They always did.

I was heading back to the bus after a quick workout when I bumped into Jack.

"Hey man," Jack said.

"Hey," I responded.

We walked back to the bus and talked about random stuff. I had to resist screaming at him to back off Emma and to give me a chance with her. As we walked on the bus, I heard the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. And she was singing All Time Low.

Jack and I looked at each other before heading to the back of the bus. Emma was laying on her stomach on the floor, singing softly, but still more than loud enough to be heard throughout the bus. She had her headphones on and was reading a book. I don't think she even realized that she was singing out loud.

Jack reached down and unplugged her headphones. She stopped singing and rolled over. She scrunched up her face and frowned at us before she started to laugh. I reached down to offer her a hand. She took my hand and I pulled her to her feet. The sleeves of her jacket rode up, exposing her wrists. I said nothing, but promised myself that I'd confront her about it when Jack left.

"What was that for?" She asked.

Jack laughed. "We walked on the bus and heard someone singing, so we had to come see."

She blushed. "I was singing out loud?"

I nodded. "You sounded amazing though."

"He's right. Alex isn't the only one in the family with a kick ass voice," Jack said.

She blushed again. She was just so sweet. She plugged her headphones in and continued to listen to music, being careful to only mouth the words instead of sing out loud. Jack grabbed whatever he was going to grab and I changed. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had seen. I waited until Jack left the bus before I went back to talk to Emma.

She saw me coming this time and pulled her headphones down, Simple Plan blaring.

"Like your music loud?" I teased.

She laughed. "It's the right way to listen to music. Unless it's in the middle of the night or you're trying to go to sleep, there is no excuse for soft music."

I laughed. I saw my headphones on the couch behind her and saw an opportunity. "Can you pass me my ear buds? They're right behind you."

She twisted around and grabbed my ear buds. She extended her arm towards me, causing the sleeve of her jacket to ride up and expose her wrists. I reached out and caught her wrist before she could pull away. She looked up at me, horror and fear flashing in her perfect blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her voice small.

I slid one of her sleeves up further and exposed the scars that covered her wrist and forearm. I looked up at her. Tears began falling down her face and she tried to get me to let her go.

"Why?" I asked. My voice was quiet and trembling.

She squirmed until I dropped her wrist. She tugged her sleeve down and stood up, trying to run away. I wasn't about to let that happen. As she turned to run, I caught her by the waist. I pulled her towards me and she landed in my lap. She tried to get away, but I held tight. She eventually stop struggling and buried her face in my chest. I let her cry, trying my best to keep my tears at bay. She needed my support. This was no time for me to start crying.

She looked up at me, tears streaking her beautiful face. "Why?" I asked once again.

She shook her head. "No."

I placed my hands gently on both sides of her face and tilted it upwards so she had to look at me. "Why?" I asked one more time.

"Why do you care?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Tears stung my eyes. "I wish I knew why I cared so much. My only answer right now is you are Alex's sister. He cares about you, which means I care about you. If you don't want to tell me though, I could always go get Alex and tell him what I saw."

Her eyes widened in fear. "No! Please don't tell Alex! He can't know!" She cried.

"Then tell me! Tell me why!" I cried back.

She sobbed. "I can't!"

"Why not?"

She squirmed. "I just can't right now!"

"You have a week Emma. If you're not ready and willing to tell me one week from today, I am telling Alex," I said.

She nodded. "Fine!"

I smiled softly and wiped the tears from her face. "Now stop crying," I said, my voice soft. "Everyone will be back soon and you don't to have to explain the tears, do you?"

She shook her head. She got off my lap and sat across from me. She started wiping her face with her sleeves. "You know Zack, you can be an asshole sometimes."

I smiled. "I'm not an asshole and you know it. You're just not used to having someone who cares about you as much as I do." I stood up and walked to the door. I turned back to her. "One week Emma."

I nodded. "I know."

I closed the door softly behind me and climbed into my bed. I buried my face in my pillow and let myself cry. I didn't know if I could wait an entire week.



Am I the only one that pictures Zack as just the sweetest thing every?

Hope you guys liked this one! It's longer than the rest, but unintentionally. I don't try to make chapters a certain length, they kinda just happen. Let me know what you think!!!!

Talk to you guys soon!

Love ya xoxo


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