Chapter 30: Closer

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Chapter 30

*Emma's POV*

"Finally back in Baltimore!" Alex cheered.

Jack giggled. "Home again, home again."

The bus was parked outside of Zack's house. The house we were now going to share. Zack had asked me to move in with him, not that I had anywhere else to go. Alex was moving in with Jack, since him and Lisa had been living together. Rian was taking off in a few days to go visit his girlfriend Kenna. He liked to say that they weren't dating, but they definitely were.

We were collecting all of our stuff from the bus and cleaning it out. Everyone had cleaned out all of their belongings and I was going through the bus one last time, making sure we had absolutely everything. I checked every bunk, every cupboard, every nook and cranny. I had just opened up the last cupboard when something in the very back caught my attention. I reached back and pulled out... my blade. I turned it over several times and looked at it.

'I'm going to get rid of this,' I said to myself.

I slipped it into my shoe and and promised myself that I would get rid of it later on.

"Is that everything?" Alex called.

I walked off the bus for the last time. "Yeah. I just doubled check everywhere and there's nothing left in there."

We dragged everything into Zack's house and collapsed on the furniture. Zack dug through the kitchen and came up with a few beers and stuff. We hung out and relaxed for a little while.

"How's your hand doing Em?" Jack asked.

I smiled and twisted my hand around, looking at my first tattoo.


"You ready for this Em?" Alex asked.

I giggled nervously. "I think so!"

Patrick put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a side hug. "This is my first too. We're in this together, Emmy."

I smiled at him.

I had spent a while designing the simple tattoo. The went through all time of different fonts and styles before I found the perfect design. Simple, black and in cursive writing with a small, red heart attached to the P in pinky.

Zack, Alex, Pete, Patrick and I had decided to get our matching tattoos before Warped Tour ended so we could have a permanent reminder of the amazing summer we had.

"You guys don't have to do this," I said for the hundredth time.

Pete laughed. "We know, but we want to."

I blushed.

We went through one by one, with mine being second last and Patrick's being last. He offered to go last. He really wanted to go through with it though. He made me promise that I wouldn't let him chicken out.

My turn came quicker than I would have liked. The tattoo artist had already done 3 of the same tattoos, so it didn't take too long for mine to be done. The pain was intense, but I handled it quite well, if I do say so myself. I did chew through a rubber bracelet, but that's beside the point. The tattoo artist covered up the tattoo. I beamed at the rest of the guys, who smiled right back.

Then, it was Patrick's turn. He hesitantly sat down. I sat on the floor next next to his chair and wound my fingers through his. I smiled up at his and layed my head against his side. He took a deep breath and gave the tattoo artist his hand. I handed him a second rubber bracelet that I had brought and he clamped it between his teeth.

When all was said and done, he beamed at me. "I did it, Emmy!"

I threw my arms around his neck. "Yay Patrick! I'm proud of you!"

"I'm proud of you Pattycakes. I wasn't sure if you were going to go through with it," Pete said, wrapping his arms around Patrick.

Patrick blushed and melted into Pete. "I'm glad I did."

***End of Flashback***

"Just fine! I love how it turned out!" I said happily.

Zack squeezed into the chair next to me and pulled me on top of his. "They do look amazing. You're a good designer, babe."

I blushed. "Why thank you."

"So Emmy," Alex said.

I directed my attention to the couch where my brother and Jack were cuddling. "Yeah Lex?"

"Cab I ask you something?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Go for it."

He paused. "Well... I was going to go say hi to Mom and tell her I was back, and I was wondering... if maybe you wanted to come."

I froze. Zack wrapped his arms around me as my heart beat sped up.

"I thought so. I'm not making you come, Em. I just wanted to know if you wanted to. I thought... maybe if you guys talked, we could, I don't know, smooth things over," he said.

I took a few deep breaths and looked up at Zack. "Okay," I said softly.

"What?" Alex said.

"I said okay. I'll go."

"Really? Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded slowly. "I'll have to get it over with eventually. Why not sooner rather than later?"

"I'll come too, if that's okay?" Zack asked softly.

I nodded.

"Me too," Rian and Jack said at the same time.

I sighed. "When?" I asked Alex.

He shrugged. "Mom called me yesterday and asked if we were going over for dinner."

"Who's we?" I asked.

"The band. I don't think she knows about you," he said quietly.

I stood up. "Let's get this horror show over with."

We all jumped in Zack's truck and headed towards my mom's house. My heart pounded as we got closer to my childhood home. Closer to the woman who beat me as a child. Closer to the woman who threw me into my father's hands, when she knew what kind of hell it was going to be. Closer to the woman who hated me from the second I was born.


Hey guys!!! I thought this chapter was going to be super short but apparently not.

I hope you like this chapter. I realized I ended Warped without talking about the tattoo adventure, hence the flashback. The pic if you can see it, is the basic design except the tattoo in my mind says 'Pinky Promise' and has the heart attached to the p in pinky. Its on the outside of the pinky along the side of the hand. Yeah so if you have questions, let me know.

Anyways.... I will talk to you guys later

Question of the day: Since I just started rereading 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green, my question is, what is your fav book or one that you could reread over and over and never get bored?

Love you guys tons!! xoxo


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