Chapter 31: You're The Reason

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Chapter 31

*Alex's POV*

When we pulled up to Mom's house, Emma was literally shaking. She met my eyes and smiled weakly.

"You don't have to do this, Emmy," I whispered, pulling her in for a tight hug.

She sighed, her breath shaky. "I have to do this, Lex."

I squeezed her tight and kissed her forehead before I handed her off to Zack. Jack walked over and grabbed my hand, winding his fingers through mine. "Ready?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "Not really, but let's get this over with."

The 5 of us walked through the front door, not bothering to knock. "Mom?!" I called out.

"I'm in the backyard, hon," she called back.

We made our way through the house and out to the backyard. Mom's face lit up when she saw me. She ran over and hugged me tight. "Hey hon! I've missed you so much!" She said.

I smiled. "I missed you too, Mom."

She smiled at Jack, then back at me. "I'm happy for you two."

Jack blushed. "Thanks Ms. Gaskarth."

Mom laughed. She looked around Jack and I and smiled at Rian and Zack, her face falling when Emma came into view. She took a step backwards. Emma moved closer to Zack and he held her closely.

"Emily?" My mom breathed.

Emma moved forward. "Mom."

Fear flashed across our mom's face. "What is she doing here, Alex?"

I tensed and flashed her a look. "What do you mean, Mom?"

"She shouldn't be here," she said quietly.

I was getting mad. "Why not? She is your daughter!"

Mom glared at me, hate flashing through her eyes. "That is not my daughter! That is the devil, reincarnated."

That's when Emma lost it. "Stop it! Stop saying that! I am not fucking devil spawn! I can't be blamed for my fucking father! You are the one who fucked him to make me! Alex and I have the same fucking father! How the fuck am I devil spawn, yet Alex is a fucking angel!"

"Just like him too," Mom sneered.

Emma broke away from Zack and marched forward. "I am nothing like him you fucking bitch! You're the reason I've had such a shit life! You're the reason I was abused and raped for 20 fucking years! You're the reason why I am broken inside!"

Mom backed away, but Emma kept walking towards her. "Don't call me a bitch," she growled.

"Why not? You think I don't remember the things you said to me when I was a kid? You think I don't remember you beating me and screaming at me just because you could?" Emma was shaking, she was so angry.

Mom stood up straight and stopped backing away. "You deserved it!" She screamed back.

"Why?! Why did I deserve the hell I was put through?!" Emma shrieked.

Mom froze.

"No answer. That's what I thought," Emma growled.

Mom looked past Emma, at me. "Alex," she cried.

I shook my head. "No Mom. I want to know the answer to this as well," I said, folding my arms.

Emma took a step back, her hands balled into fists. She glared at our mother, hated burning in her blue eyes. "Why?" She growled.

"Because!" Mom screamed.

"Because why?!" Emma screamed right back.

She pushed past Emma and ran towards me. She expected me to comfort her, to save her. I kept my arms crossed and looked down at her. She looked up at me, hurt at my betrayal.

"You separated me from my little sister. You threw her away without a second thought. Did you ever think about how that made me feel?! She was the only friend I had! It took me almost 10 years to be able to make friends again because of you!" I screamed at her.

She looked up at me strictly. "You are not to speak to her or about her ever again."

I laughed. "Like you're going to fucking stop me!"

I turned to leave, but she grabbed my arm. "I'll say it again Alexander. You either forget about her, or forget about me."

I shook my head. "Easy decision. Goodbye Mom."

"What?! After all I've done for you?!" She shrieked.

I smirked. "''Ohana' means family and family means no one gets left behind.'" I said, quoting Lilo and Stitch. "I'm not going to forget Emma just because you want me too. She is my family and if you don't want to except that, then you might as well disown me. I refuse to be the son of a woman who treats her daughter this way."

I walked away, ignoring her calling. I looked around and noticed a missing person. "Zack!" I said alarmingly. "Where is Emma?!"


Cliffhanger!!!! Mwhahaha!!!

Hope you like this chapter! I'm going to try to upload the next chapter tonight, otherwise you would have to wait til monday to find out what happens because I am going camping this weekend (WOOHOOOOOO) so I wont have the internet or be able to upload, but I will try to write a few chapter while I'm gone!!

As I've said before, this story will be coming to an end soon, but there will be a sequel, so fear not.

Also, I have redesigned the cover photo for the story and I will be changing it in a few minutes (hopefully).

Love you guys soooooooo much!!!!!!

Haley xoxo

P.S. Today's question of the day is: Since I am currently listening to Fall Out Boy, do you listen to Fall Out Boy? If yes, then what is your fav FOB song? If no, what is wrong with you?! Get on it! You will not regret it I promise you!

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