Chapter 12: First Date (and First Drink)

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Chapter 12

*Emma's POV*

I was the last one up, so everyone was already gone. It was a day  somewhere out in California, so I figured that everyone was out having fun. I rolled out of my bunk and checked the time. Nearly 1 pm. Whoops.

I made myself a quick sandwich and a cup of coffee and pulled out my tablet. I checked Twitter and Instagram and relaxed for a little while.

I got dressed, throwing on my bathing suit underneath a pair of light blue shorts, a tank top and my hoodie. I was seriously getting tired of having to wear a sweater to cover the war zone that is my arms, but I didn't have much of a choice.

It was only as I turned to get off the bus that I saw the small, white envelope on the table. I inspected it closer and saw that it had my name scrawled across it. I picked it up and tore into it. There was a note inside.

'Dear Emma,

I didn't have the balls to do this in person because of my crippling fear of rejection, so I decided to write you this note to ask you what I have been wanting to ask you for a long time.

So, I would like to ask you, Emma, if you would go on a date with me? Since I'm not there to hear your answer, I ask you to meet me at the beach at 4 pm, if the answer is yes. The directions are written on the back of this note.

If the answer is no, well then this is awkward. If the answer is no, don't come to the beach. I'll understand if you say no.

I hope to see you soon beautiful.

Love your not-so-secret admirer,


I heart started to pound as I read the note over and over to myself. 'Zack asked me out! He actually likes me!' I thought to myself.

I had had a huge crush on Zack for a long time, so I was ecstatic!

Time crawled by as I waited for 4 to roll around. I knew it wouldn't take me long to get to the beach, but I was nervous. I wasn't sure what he had planned, or if this was even real. What if it was just a mean prank?

I began to walk to the beach at around 3:30. I ran into Alex, who was hanging around the bus.

"Hey Emmy!" He said, smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled. "Hey Lexy! How's it going?"

"Fantastic! Where you off to?"

I shrugged. "For a walk."

He raised his eyebrows. "A walk, huh? Have fun," he said, winking at me.

I blushed and turned to walk away.

I made my way to the beach slowly, not wanting to get there too early. I didn't want to seem desperate, right?

As the beach came into view, my heart started pounding and I started feeling the butterflies in my stomach. I was beyond nervous.

I found another little envelope taped to a post and opened it to find a few more directions. It led me to a secluded part of the beach, where I found Zack.

"I was really hoping you would come," he said, taking me hand.

He pulled me towards a blanket layed out on the beach. I sat on the blanket and watched as he disappeared in a small cave along the beach. He emerged a few seconds later with a picnic basket.

"I didn't want to do anything fancy for our first date, so I thought this would be nice. Just you and me, having a picnic on the beach," he said, smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled and blushed. "It's perfect Zack."

He sat down beside me and placed the basket in front of us. He opened it up and pulled out a McDonald's bag. I giggled.

He blushed. "It was all I could get on short notice."

I giggled again. "No! It's perfect!"

He pulled out an order of chicken mcnuggets and fries out for me, and a big mac and fries for him. He also pulled out a bottle of wine and 2 glasses.

"I hope you like wine," he teased.

I laughed. "Never tried it, but I guess we'll find out."

He poured us each a glass of wine.

"To our first of many dates, hopefully," Zack said, lifting his glass in a toast.

I lifted my glass up and tapped it against his. "Hopefully," I repeated.

We sat on the beach eating our McDonald's and drinking our wine for hours. The later it got, the drunker we got. I found out I didn't mind wine. Zack pulled out a second bottle after we finished the first.

It was almost 11 by the time we polished off both bottles of wine. I was hammered for sure. We stumbled back to the bus where we found everyone hanging out in the front lounge. I made a great impression by tripping up the stairs and practically face planting. Zack chuckled and helped me up, nearly falling over in the process.

"You okay Em?" Alex asked.

I laughed. "I'm fan-fucking-tastic! Thanks for asking bro!"

Everyone laughed. "Little drunk there Em?" Flyzik asked.

"Define little," I said, giggling like an idiot.

Everyone turned to Zack.

"K we may or may not have polished off 2 bottles of wine," Zack said.

Everyone except Alex and Jack shook their heads. My brother and Jack just laughed.

"Never seen ya drunk before Emma," Jack teased.

I laughed. "Never been drunk before Jack."

"Seriously?" Rian asked.

I nodded, nearly falling over. Zack caught me and chuckled.

"Are you going to bed now Emma?" Alex asked. It was more an order than a question.

I swayed on my feet and nodded. "Yup."

Alex walked over and took my hands in his. "Come on Emmy. Let's get you in bed."

I pouted at him. "I'm a big girl Alex! I can get to my bunk on my own."

He laughed. "I know you can."

He led me to my bunk and helped me get in. "Goodnight Emmy. I love you," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

I smiled. "Night Lexy! I love you too!"

He shut my bunk's curtain while I rolled over and promptly fell into a deep sleep.



I am actually really proud of this chapter! Everything is starting to settle down... Or is it??? Dun dun dun!!!

So just to get you caught up (just in case), here's a quick recap...

-Emma is Alex's twin sister (she's younger by 4 minutes fyi) and they were seperated when they were young, but found each other about 20 years later.

-Jack has a huge crush on Alex.

-Zack has a huge crush on Emma.

-Rian and his gf Cassadee are having relationship issues.

-Zack makes Emma tell him about her past.

-Emma confronts Jack and Alex and makes them admit that they like each other.

-Alex and Jack fall even more in love.

-Rian breaks up with Cassadee after he finds out that she cheated on him.

-Zack and Emma go on their first date.

Hmmm... I didn't know that much happened already. Now your all caught up just in case.

See you guys later ;)


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