Chapter 16: Learning To Be Alone... Or Not

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Chapter 16

*Rian's POV*

I was talking the breakup a lot worse than I probably should have been. I was totally and utterly destroyed. I didn't know how to function as a single man anymore. I realized that I had lost my ability to be single. It was hard. Emma was out climbing a mountain with Patrick, so I decided to talk to Zack and ask for his advice. He always knew what to say and when to say it, so I figured it was my best shot.

Zack was working out, like usual, when I approached him.

"Hey Zack?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "Hey Rian. What's up?"

I paused. "I need your advice."

He stopped and sat on the ground, motioning for me to sit beside me. "What do ya need?"

"I need your help getting over Cassadee. This breakup is hitting me hard and I can barely function as a single guy anymore. What do I do?"

Zack was silent, deep in thought. "That's a tough one man. Do you want to learn how to be on your own again, or find a new girl?"

"I want to be my own person. I think I have to learn to be on my own before I can be with someone else."

Zack nodded. "First of all, stop obsessing over the past. Stop thinking about Cassadee and her bullshit, and move on. She's not worth your time, so get over it."

"But what if I can't?"

"Then you won't be able to be on your own or find a new girl. You have to get rid of the old baggage before you pick up new ones."

I nodded. "Then what?"

"I don't know. Focus on something. Find something you are passionate about and do it. Find something that will make you unique and that you can do alone so that you can stop relying so heavily on others."

"Is that why you do it Zack?" I asked.

He smiled and shrugged. "Maybe. I guess that's part of the reason."

I nodded. "Alright. I'll work on that. Thanks Zack."

He smiled. "Anytime Rian. Glad I could help."

I decided to change the subject. "So how are you and Emma doing?"

He smiled lovingly. "Perfect! Why do you ask?"

I shrugged. "No reason."

"She had been spending a lot of time with Patrick lately," he said.

"Yeah I noticed that. How come?"

He shrugged.

"Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah. I know how much she admires Patrick and I trust her more than anything. I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me," he said.

I nodded. "Yeah. She really does love you Zack. I see the way she looks at you."

He smiled. "I love her too, Rian. A lot."

"She's a keeper, that one."

Zack nodded.

"Anyways... Thanks for everything man. Your girl is coming over, so I'll leave you guys alone," I said.

Emma walked over and smiled at us both. Zack swept her up and kissed her softly. She smiled against his lips. "Why, hello to you too."

I laughed. "See you later love birds."

Emma pouted at me. "What? I show up and you leave? What's up with that?"

"Spend time with your boy. I'm going to learn to be my own person," I said.

Emma giggled. "Umm... Ok?"

"Bye guys!" I said.

"Bye Rian!" Emma called after me.

"See you later man," Zack said.

I started walking around to look for something to do to keep my mind off everything. I ran into a few fans who asked for pictures and autographs and I was more than happy to oblige. One particular girl caught my eye though.

She was a short brunette with green eyes. She was really shy and timid. She had let everyone else meet go in front of her, so she was last one to come up and ask for pictures.

"Hey!" I said, smiling sweetly at her.

She blushed and smiled shyly. "Hi!"

"What's your name?" I asked.

She giggled. "I'm Kenna."

I smiled. "I like that name. Nice to meet you Kenna! I'm Rian!"

She giggled again. "I know."

I laughed. She was really sweet and cute. We took a few pictures and I signed a few things for her.

"Thanks so much Rian! This means a lot to me," she said.

I smiled. "Anytime! I love meeting people!"

"Well... I guess I better let you go. You probably have stuff to do. Bye Rian," she said, turning to leave.

"Kenna! Wait!" I called after her.

She turned back to me, confused. "Yeah?"

I paused. "Umm... I was wondering... How old are you?"

She blushed. "23. Why?"

"I was... uhh... wondering if I could, maybe, get your... uhh... number?" I asked awkwardly.

She blushed. "Umm... Okay."

I pulled out my phone and handed it to her. She put her contact info in and handed it back to me. I read her back the number just to make sure it was the right number.

"Maybe we could hang out later?" I asked.

She smiled. "Sure! We can go get coffee or something!"

"That would be awesome! Meet me here at 8?" I asked.

She nodded. "Okay! See you then!"

"Bye Kenna!"

"Bye Rian!"

I was smiling like an idiot when I walked back onto the bus. Emma and Zack were cuddling on the couch when I walked in.

"You look love-struck," Emma teased.

I laughed.

"Who is she dude?" Zack asked.

I shrugged. "Just a fan."

Emma raised her eyebrows. "A fan, huh?  When's the date?"

"Who said there is a date?" I asked.

She laughed. "The look on your face says it all Ri. Have fun and be nice to her, even if she's mildly crazy. The crazy ones are always the most fun."

I laughed.

"I second that," Zack teased.

I texted Kenna quickly so that she had my number as well and then I started getting ready for my date. I wasn't sure if I was really ready for another girlfriend just yet, but I just couldn't resist asking Kenna out. I had to give it a shot. Who knows, maybe she would be the one to mend my broken heart back together.


Hey guys!!!

Hope you like this one! I wasn't originally planning to put Rian in another relationship, but it just seemed appropriate.

Question for you guys! Would should ship names be? Jalex is already a thing, but what is Zack and Emma's ship name? Zemma maybe? What about Rian and Kenna? Kian? Renna? Let me know plz and thx!

K love you guys xoxo


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